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2 Building Your Program

2.4 Compiler options

2.4.1 General commands

Compiler options control various aspects of compilation, such as optimization level, verboseness of messages, gen directory, etc. The following commands are used to display and modify options:

Each option receives a default value upon start-up. The current option values are by default part of the compiler state saved in a checkpoint. For more options and option-related commands, see:

2.4.2 Kinds of options

Vortex has four classes of options:

Boolean options (e.g., optimize, show_phases). They can have true and false as values.

Integer options (e.g., opt_verbosity_level). Their values are integers.

String options (e.g., gen_dir). Their values are strings. When changing their values, the double quotes around the new string value (that would be required by the Cecil syntax) should be omitted. To set a string option to the empty string, use set optname (with no explicit option value, i.e., the empty string).

String list options (e.g., source_paths). Their values are lists of strings. When changing the value of a string list option, the new value is the list of words that are separated by spaces in the user's command. As with string options, the quotes around the strings should be omitted, and set optname sets an option to the empty list.

String and string list options allow prepend and append operations:

2.4.3 Frequently-used options

Here we describe some of the frequently-used options. A complete list of options is given by the command options all.

source_paths -- the set of directories where the source files are searched

gen_dir -- the gen directory for the application, absolute or relative to the directory where the compiler is run

debug_support -- determines availability of source-level debugging support in the compiled program. A program compiled without debugging support runs faster, but does not provide the features described in Section 3.

show_directory_in_prompt -- determines how many directory levels are displayed as part of the compiler prompt. This option allows one to distinguish more easily between Vortex processes compiling different programs.

loud_compile -- controls display of individual methods being compiled

show_phases -- controls display of individual optimization passes (with optimization-specific characters) performed for each method being compiled.

2.4.1 - General commands
2.4.2 - Kinds of options
2.4.3 - Frequently-used options

How to Use the Vortex Compiler - 20 JAN 97
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