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 CSE 484 / CSE M 584: Computer Security
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The list of readings for each class and other extra information below.

Lecture 27 (12/9)

Topic: Wrap-up and Current Research in Security.
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Talks: We talked about White et al.'s paper on VoIP security. Slides here.

Lecture 26 (12/7)

Topic: Networks and Security.
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 25 (12/5)

Topic: Networks and Security.
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 24 (12/2)

Topic: Asymmetric Cryptography.
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 23 (11/30)

Topic: Asymmetric Cryptography (cont).
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 22 (11/28)

Topic: Asymmetric Cryptography (cont).
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 21 (11/23)

Topic: Pre-Thanksgiving Day lecture. We talked about Hollywood Security and the USMA Kobayashi Maru exercise.
Slides: None.
Required reading: None.
Optional reading: Check out Conti and Caroland's Kobayashi Maru exercise here. How would you cheat on a test? (If we asked you to!).

Lecture 20 (11/21)

Topic: Human Factors in Security (finished); Asymmetric Cryptography.
Slides: here and here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 19 (11/18)

Topic: Human Factors in Security (cont).
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 18 (11/16)

Topic: Human Factors in Security (cont).
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 17 (11/14)

Topic: User Authentication and Human Factors.
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Guest Lecture: Jake Appelbaum(11/9)

Topic: Tor.
Slides: None.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 16 (11/7)

Topic: User Authentication.
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 15 (11/4)

Topic: Physical Security.
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 14 (11/2)

Topic: Physical Security.
Slides: None.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 13 (10/31)

Topic: Web Security (finished).
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 12 (10/28)

Topic: Web Security (cont).
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 11 (10/26)

Topic: Web Security (cont).
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 10 (10/24)

Topic: Detour into Web Security.
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Guest Lecture with Seattle PD (10/21)

Lecture 9 (10/19)

Topic: Cryptography (continued).
Slides: here.
Required reading: Chapters 12–15 of the testbook.

Lecture 8 (10/17)

Topic: Cryptography (continued).
Slides: here.
Required reading: Chapters 12–15 of the testbook.

Lecture 7 (10/14)

Topic: Cryptography (continued).
Slides: here.
Required reading: Chapters 12–15 of the testbook.

Lecture 6 (10/12)

Topic: Intro to Cryptography (continued).
Slides: here.
Required reading: Chapters 12–15 of the testbook.

Lecture 5 (10/10)

Topic: Software Security (day 3) & Intro to Cryptography.
Slides: here (Soft. Sec.) and here (Crypto.).
Required reading: Start reading chapters 12–15 of the testbook.

Lecture 4 (10/7)

Topic: Software Security (continued).
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Guest Lecture with Tamara Denning, Security Threat Discovery cards (10/5)

Lecture 3 (10/2)

Topic: Software Security.
Slides: here.
Required reading: Start reading chapters 1–3 of the testbook.

Lecture 2 (9/30)

Topic: Introduction (continued).
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

Lecture 1 (9/28)

Topic: Introduction.
Slides: here.
Required reading: None.

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Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
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[comments to Daniel Halperin]