CSE 459 - PreProduction


BASIC ANIMATION            home  previous

These set of exercises go through step-by-step the process of animation.  As you progress through these tutorials, they will become less and less detailed as it will be assumed that you started with the first tutorial and worked your way to the end.

If you are unfamiliar with the term of "setting keys" or you need a refresher course, it is recommended that you go through number 1 and 2. 



Project 3a – Due Feb 5th

Do 1 and 2 only if you aren’t familiar with key-framing and fixing curves in the graph editor

1.      A|W tutorial on setting keys [ #5 – Animation ]

2.      function curves tutorial

3.      a basic walk

4.      2 jumps with feet together (symmetrical)

Project 3b – Due Feb 19th

5.      a jump with feet apart (assymmetrical)

6.      a lipsync using Earl or a fish