


Lecture Zoom on Canvas, MWF 11:30–12:20
Section AA (Nicolas Monsees) Section AA Zoom Meeting, Th 12:30–1:20
Section AB (Rithik Duggempudi) Section AB Zoom Meeting, Th 1:30–2:20
Section AC (Brennan Stein) Section AC Zoom Meeting, Th 2:30–3:20


Lecturer John Zahorjan Wed 13:00-13:50
TA Rithik Duggempudi AB OH: Tuesday 15:00 - 16:00
TA Jonathan Jusuf OH: Tues 1:00 - 2:00
TA Nicolas Monsees AA OH: Monday 19:00 – 21:00; Wednesday 14:00-16:00; Saturday 12:30-14:30
TA Brennan Stein AC OH: Thursday 10:00 – 11:00; Friday 15:30-16:30
TA Haopeng Zhou OH: Tuesday 14:00 - 15:30 Zoom Link Also by appointment or email


This course reuses much of the material from past CSE 451 course offerings.