CSE 451, Introduction to Operating Systems, Fall 2014

Lectures: MWF 11:30-12:20 MGH 231
Section AA: Thurs 12:30-1:20 MGH 254
Section AB: Thurs 1:30-2:20 MGH 254

Who Office Hours
Tom Anderson, Instructor
tom at cs.washington.edu
Mondays, 3:30-4:30, CSE 646
or by appointment
Qiao Zhang, TA
qiao at cs.washington.edu
Sunjay Cauligi, TA
sunjayc at cs.washington.edu
Thursdays, 11:30-12:30, CSE 002
Meghan Cowan, TA
cowanmeg at uw.edu
Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30, CSE 002

Anonymous Feedback

Anonymous feedback can be sent to the instructor or TAs using this anonymous feedback form.


Textbook Required Operating Systems: Principles and Practice, Second Edition, Thomas Anderson and Michael Dahlin, ISBN-10 0985673524 (Mt. Rainier on cover)