Unless otherwise indicated, homework is due at the start of class
on the specified due date.
If you are using an older version of the textbook,
check with a classmate to be sure you are doing the correct
exercises -- these assignments refer to the current version
of the textbook!
At the top of your assignment, please
be sure to write your
name, email address,
student number, the homework assignment number (e.g. "Homework 1"),
section (AA or AB),
and due date.
The goal of the homeworks is to encourage you to stay current with
the reading. They will be "checkmark graded" on a 0/1/2/3 scale, and
are only worth 10% of your course grade. Do them, but don't try
to knock them out of the park.
- Homework 1
Out: Wednesday January 3
Due: Reading, Friday January 5; Exercises, Monday January 8
- Homework 2
Out: Monday January 8
Due: Reading, Wednesday January 10; Exercises, Friday January 12
- Homework 3
Out: Friday January 12
Due: Reading, Wednesday January 17; Exercises, Friday January 19
- Homework 4
Out: Friday January 19
Due: Reading, Monday January 22; Exercises, Wednesday January 24
- Homework 5
Out: Wednesday January 24
Due: Reading, Friday January 26; Exercises, Wednesday January 31
- Homework 6
Out: Wednesday January 31
Due: Reading, Friday February 2; Exercises, Monday February 5
- Homework 7
Out: Monday February 5
Due: Reading, Friday February 9; Exercises, Monday February 12
- Homework 8
Out: Monday February 12
Due: Reading, Friday February 16; Exercises, Wednesday February 21
- Homework 9
Out: Wednesday February 21
Due: Reading, Friday February 23; Exercises, Monday February 26
- Homework 10
Out: Monday February 26
Due: Reading, Wednesday February 28, Friday March 2, Monday March 5, Wednesday March 7, Friday March 9