Week 3 Update

April 14 & 16, 2015

Tuesday - April 14, 2015: Project Proposal Presentation

Alternative text - include a link to the PDF!

We presented our revised proposal to the class. And based on the feedback, we made some modifications and submitted the updated project proposal.

Thursday - April 16, 2015: Review Project Proposal

  1. - TODO: Revise Pitch Proposal
    1. - 1st and 2nd sentences are 2 different types of problems
    2. - need a more concise goal
    3. - type in deliverables section
Think about:
  1. - Home vs. Intransit scenarios
    1. - need to think about how/if we are supporting these types of scenarios in our app
    2. - what types of interactions there will be
  2. - Planning aspect
    1. - offline planning moment intransit
    2. - re-homing intransit w/o wifi
      1. - acknowledge it but might have to arrive at a decision for how much to do on this (or if we should do this at all)
    3. - specifying the next destination in advance → use in part with homing part of the app
      1. - so if the traveler is currently in Rome but by the end of the day they'll be in Florence
      2. - and they were able to specify this in their re-homing aspect at the beginning of the day and the app would then allow them to see a list of locations in both cities (Rome and Florence) as well as download additional information for the traveler along the route
  3. - Milestone 1
    1. - Heuristic Evaluation ?= deliverable
      1. - Prof mentioned this should just be more of a requirement for us and not an actual deliverable for the milestone
      2. - Heuristic Evaluation + Cognitive Walkthrough → more about design
        1. - Heuristic Evaluation = can be part of the website update
        2. - Cognitive Walkthrough = have a task and know the steps in order to achieve the task → walkthrough each step and answer 4 questions related to the user being able to accomplish the task
    2. - → should maybe think about doing some storyboards to include in our project
  4. - Success Section
    1. - TODO: need to be more specific for the threshold for success
    2. - the line "majority features" is not specific enough
    3. - need to be more aggressive
    4. - describe in terms of testing
  5. - Content related to places
    1. - think about including Rick Steve content/media
    2. - but then content isn't unlimited
    3. - rich media will start filling up the cache
  6. - Don't want the app to pull down everything when it's online using data connection
    1. - should pull down content if connected to wifi tho