CSE 413 19wi - Programming Languages & Implementation

Lectures: MWF 2:30-3:20, CMU 120


  • 3/26: Course grades have been sent in and we're done for the quarter. Congratulations, have a great spring break, and best wishes for the new quarter.
  • 1/5: Welcome to the web site for CSE 413, Winter 2019. Please report any problems to cse413-staff[at]cs.


For most things the discussion board is the best way to communicate. If you need to reach the course staff for something not appropriate for posting, please send mail to cse413-staff[at]cs instead of sending mail to individual staff members. You should get a quicker reply that way and it helps the whole staff keep track of active issues.

Name Office Hours
Hal Perkins CSE 548 office: TBD + appointments + (usually) whenever the door is open
Jack Eggleston Mon. 3:30-4:30, Gates 150; Wed. 1-2, Gates 150
Aaron Johnston Thur. 1-2, Gates 151; Fri. 12-1, Gates 151
Lanhao Wu Tue. 10:40-11:40, Gates 152; Thur. 3:30-4:30, Allen 2nd floor breakout
Nate Yazdani Tue. 4-5, Gates 150; Wed. 4-5, Gates 153