
The recommended way to do work for this class is to remotely log into klaatu (, and complete your work there. This is the easiest option, but requires a constant internet connection. If you have a Windows computer, you will need PuTTY. If you have a Mac or Linux computer, simply open the terminal and use the ssh command just like we did in class.

Notice that files created on klaatu are not saved anywhere on your local machine. You will need a way to copy them to your local machine. On Windows, you will need WinSCP, and on Mac or Linux you can simply use the scp command just like we did in class.

While we believe klaatu to be easier, you can also download a virtual machine image on which you can work. This is a slightly more ambitious route, and may take a bit more time to get setup right, but we can help with that (come to office hours).

For the virtual machine images, go HERE.

There are installation directions HERE.