CSE 373, Spring 2019: FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

CSE 373 staff email address: cse373-staff@cs.washington.edu


  1. How do I keep Piazza from selling my data?
    Piazza sells your information to companies by default. To opt out, follow these instructions.
  2. I cannot access the CSE GitLab. Can you grant me access?
    Enrolled students automatically get access to the CSE GitLab through their UW Net ID. If you cannot access the CSE GitLab with your UW NetID, email support@cs.washington.edu. (If you registered for the class late, there may be a short delay, so try again after 24 hours; if you still cannot access the CSE GitLab, email support@cs.washington.edu.)


  1. Why did I lose points for Checkstyle when my code passed Checkstyle locally?
    That probably means you did not have Checkstyle set up properly on your machine. Make sure to follow our setup instructions carefully. In particular, many students forget to set Checkstyle to run on test files in addition to regular source files.
  2. The GitLab runners are being slow.
    That's not a question, but yes, our runners tend to slow down towards assignment due dates, since everyone ends up using them at the same time. Be prepared to wait multiple minutes for your job to get processed. If any of our runners go down for whatever reason, wait times could increase to multiple hours, or jobs may simply never get processed; the only way to avoid this is to start working as early as possible.
  3. How do I make sure my code is correct if the runners aren't working?
    You should be able to run Checkstyle and all of our provided JUnit tests locally. If you didn't modify any of our provided code other than the files you were instructed to modify (or if you remembered to revert any temporary changes you made), your code should compile fine during grading. (If we have any secret tests on the runners, though, you will not be able to run your code against those while the runners are down.)
  4. Why did I lose multiple points for failing a test with a weight of 1?
    The weight of a test is relative to other tests, so the weight is not the exact number of points the test is worth. The formula for project scoring is described in the HW1 assignment pages.