Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam: Friday, February 03, 2017
NEW!! 17wi midterm (Solution)
- Exam policies
- Closed book, closed notes.
- The following syntax sheet will be provided. [ PDF ]
- No calculators
- The exam begins promptly at 1:30 and ends at 2:20.
- Points will be deducted from your score if you are writing after time has been called.
- You do NOT need to bring a blue book or mark sense (bubble sheet)
- In questions where you are asked to write code, you do NOT
need to add comments.
- All material from lecture 1 up to and including
Fri January 27 is fair game. Material from lecture, sections,
readings, reading quizzes and homework are all fair game.
Sample Exam Problems
We provide some sample exams to help with your studying. Our
hope is that these exams will be useful in your studying, *but
you should NOT take them as a guarantee of exactly what your exam
will be like this quarter*. I would also suggest going back
through problem sheets used in all sections so far as these are
good example questions as well.
Good luck with your exam studying!