CSE 142 Labs (CSE 190)
Students can sign up for an optional "CSE 190" programming lab for a 5th CSE
credit to supplement the CSE 142 course. In this lab, each student will work
at a computer for 50 minutes once per week to solve programming problems.
TAs will be present to help answer questions. You will be asked to read the
textbook material for the Monday lecture prior to attending the lab, which
should take approximately 30 minutes each week.
Dec 2 2014 9:15 AM
Lab 10: Final Exam Practice
Nov 25 2014 9:15 AM
Lab 9: Critters
Nov 18 2014 9:15 AM
Lab 8: Classes and Objects
Nov 10 2014 9:15 AM
Lab 7: Arrays
Nov 4 2014 9:15 AM
Lab 6: Files
Oct 28 2014 9:15 AM
Lab 5-5: Midterm practice
Oct 21 2014 9:15 AM
Lab 5 (Strings, while)
Oct 14 2014 9:15 AM
Lab 4 (Return, if/else, Scanner)
Oct 7 2014 9:15 AM
Lab 3 (Parameters, Graphics)
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Attendance: |
Resources: |
Sep 30 2014 9:15 AM
Lab 2 (Expressions, Variables, and Loops)
Sep 25 2014 5:00 PM
Lab 1 (Java Basics)
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Attendance: |
Links: |
Labs description:
CSE 190 is intended for students who want extra help or extra practice
working with the CSE 142 material. It is optional. If you
sign up for the 190 lab, every Tuesday you would go to a lab in Mary Gates
Hall and work on CSE problems at a computer for 50 minutes (prior to
attending the lab, you should read the textbook reading assignment for the
Monday lecture just before the lab).
CSE190 is a CR/NC pass/fail course. You get the credit by
showing up, working on the problems, and completing the homework. TAs from
our course will be there walking around and helping everyone and answering
questions. We try to have a relaxed atmosphere open to collaboration,
sharing information, asking questions, working together, etc.
Note that our sessions are CSE 190 sections "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L",
"M", "N" and "O" (not section "B", "C", "T", or "U" which are different
seminar sessions). The labs take place on Tuesdays at various times. Here's
the link to the University time schedule with more info about the
UW Time Schedule, CSE 190
Lab policies:
- To get credit for a lab, you must attend the corresponding lab session.
You should read the textbook material listed under the class calendar for
the Monday prior to the lab.
- You do not have to complete all of a lab to get credit. The labs are
designed to have more material than a student can complete in 50 minutes,
so complete as much as you can in that time.
- You must complete 7 labs to get credit for 190. We will offer at least
9 labs.
- During the lab, you should not be working on anything else (no chats,
email, facebook, homework for other classes, etc). You should also not be
listening to music while working on the lab. And you should not be working
on the CSE142 homework during the lab. If you fail to stay on task, it can
result in a loss of credit for that lab day.
- You are welcome to bring your own laptop to use during the lab, but
remember that you are not to be working on other things during the
- You can participate in any of the labs even if you aren't registered for
the lab as long as a seat is available (this might not be true for the labs
that are listed as being full). For example, if you are taking only one
class and don't want to pay for the extra unit of credit, you can
participate even though you aren't officially registered.
- If you end up withdrawing from CSE142, then you need to also withdraw
from CSE190. You can't get credit for CSE190 if you aren't taking CSE142.
If you end up failing CSE142 or if you withdraw in the last few weeks of
the quarter, you can still get credit for CSE190 if you complete 8