CSE 521: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Winter 2000
Richard Anderson


Name Email Office Hours
Instructor Richard Anderson anderson@cs.washington.edu Tuesday, 2:30-3:20 pm, Friday, 10:00-11:00 am, (and by appt.) Sieg 312
Teaching Assistant Sumeet Sobti sobti@cs.washington.edu Tuesdays: 10:30 - 11:30 Room 226b Fridays: 2:30 - 3:30 Room 226a (and by appt.)


Lectures: MWF 12:30-1:20. Room Change: MOR 230.

The Mailing List

To subscribe to the mailing list, send email to majordomo@cs with an empty subject line and the text

subscribe cse521

as the body of the message. The address of the mailing list is cse521@cs. Do not send subscription requests to the list itself.

We will assume that all students in the class are on the mailing list, and that you read your email regularly.

Threaded Mailing List Archive

Background survey

The following survey will be distributed in class background survey.

Text Book

Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest Introduction to Algorithms


The course grades will be based upon Homework, the Final, and class participation.


Homework is intended to be a major portion of the course. Assignments will be due weekly, usually on Wednesday. It is expected that homework solutions represent original work.

Homework scores

Points Min Max Median Mean
HW1 70 33 70 67 65
HW2 70 42 70 62 60
HW3 60 36 60 54 53
HW4 50 34 50 44 45
HW5 50 39 50 47 48
HW6 60 42 60 56 54

Course Notes:

Don't expect many of these!

Final Exam

The exam is scheduled for 8:30-10:20 a.m. Thursday, Mar. 16, 2000. Note: The topics covered in the 1996 and 1998 offerings differ from the 2000 offering.

521 Webs From Previous Quarters:

Winter 1996 Spring 1997 Spring 1998 Winter 1999

cse521-request@cs.washington.edu (Last Update: )