CSE481E: Capstone Software -- UrbanSim

Welcome to the UrbanSim Capstone Software Course homepage! The capstone will be focussed around a set of team projects. All the projects will concern the UrbanSim simulation system, a system for doing integrated modeling of land use, transportation, and environmental impacts to help inform public decision-making about major transportation and land use decisions. 

This capstone course is offered in coordination with a graduate course in the Evans School of Public Affairs (also cross-listed in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Urban Design andPlanning), PBAf 565B/CEE 599G/URBDP 598B, "Introduction to Urban Simulation", taught by Paul Waddell. In many cases, the project teams will include a mix of students from CSE 481E and the Introduction to Urban Simulation course, and some days the classes will meet together. The Introduction to Urban Simulation course this quarter will be focussed on modeling alternatives for the Alaskan Way Viaduct in Seattle. Some of the 481 projects will be as well, but there will be others that are more focussed on software infrastructure.

Every year CSE selects a capstone course to video, and this year the UrbanSim capstone has been chosen. The video will be shown at the CSE graduation, and at other venues. (Past capstone videos.) The videotaping shouldn't be particularly intrusive. We hope that all the students in the course will want to participate - however, you can opt out of the video if you prefer.

Project Final Reports