CSE 378, Autumn 1997 Assignment #1 Due: Wednesday, Oct 8th, 1997

Chapter 1 questions. Although the history of computers is not the topic of this class, you should have some vague idea of how the field advanced, and the material in the first chapter gives a good overview. Chapter 3 questions.
loop:   lw   $v1,0($a0)       # read the next word from source
        addi $v0,$v0,1        # increment count
        sw   $v1,0($a1)       # write to destination
        addi $a0,$a0,4        # advance pointer to next souce
        addi $a1,$a1,4        # advance pointer to next destination
        bne  $v1,$zero,loop   # loop if word copied is not zero
4. Using the above MIPS program, determine the instruction format for each instruction, and the decimal values of each instruction field. (Hint: You'll need to read Section 3.8 to determine the values of the instruction fields for the bne instruction).