CSE 373: Data Structures and Algorithms

Autumn 1994

Programming Assignment 3 Solution

****    Eulerian Circuit/Path Finder
****     by Brian Van Horne
****        CSE 373A
****        Autumn 1994
****        Programming Assignment #3
****        5 December 1994
****      Takes as input a data file containing graph descriptions and,
****      for each graph in turn, it finds an Eulerian Circuit or Path,
****      if possible.  The process of finding the path does destroy the
****      graph in memory (deleting each edge as it is traversed insures
****      that it won't be traversed again).  The Graph is stored as an
****      array (from 1 to # of Vertices) of adjacency lists.  The array
****      contains the header node for each list.  The data element in
****      header indicates the current degree of that vertex, while the
****      data element in the 0th (unused) element of the array is used
****      as a counter for the number of un-traversed edges in the
****      graph.  Each node in an adjacency list is linked to its mirror
****      image (or TWIN) node in another list.  This allows for easy
****      access to both nodes that represent a single edge at the same
****      time.
****      Filename:    EULER.C
****      Executable:  EULER.EXE

****    Preprocessor Directives


#define MAX_PRINT_POS 68    /* Used by Path-Print Function */

****    Global Type Declarations

typedef FILE *file_ptr;

/* Graph - Adjacency List Representation */

typedef struct graph_node *graph_ptr;

struct graph_node {
  int adj;
  graph_ptr twin;
  graph_ptr prev;
  graph_ptr next;

/* Linked List for Path */

typedef struct path_node *path_ptr;

struct path_node {
  int vertex;
  path_ptr next;

****    Global Variables

int print_pos = 0;    /* Used to keep track of screen position */

****    Function Prototypes

void find_euler(graph_ptr graph, int num_ver);
void dfs(graph_ptr graph, int vertex, path_ptr path);

int       graph_read(file_ptr fp, graph_ptr *graph);
graph_ptr graph_init(int num_ver);
void      graph_add(graph_ptr graph, int vertex, int adj);
void      graph_add_node(graph_ptr list, int adj);
void      graph_del(graph_ptr graph, graph_ptr node);
void      graph_del_node(graph_ptr node);
void      graph_print(graph_ptr graph, int num_ver);
void      graph_free(graph_ptr graph, int num_ver);

path_ptr path_init(void);
void     path_add(path_ptr node, int vertex);
void     path_print(path_ptr list);
void     path_free(path_ptr list);

file_ptr open_file(void);

void print_header(void);
void print_footer(void);
void error(const char *message);
void print_line(int length, char ch);

****    Functions

****    Main Function:  Opens the data file, and then reads
****      each graph in, calls the Find Euler function on
****      it, and then calls the Free Graph function to
****      clean up for the next graph.

void main(void)
  int num_ver;    /* Number of Vertices in Graph */
  file_ptr fp;    /* The Data File */
  graph_ptr graph;    /* The Graph (adjancency list) */

  fp = open_file();

  while((num_ver=graph_read(fp, &graph)) != 0) {
    find_euler(graph, num_ver);
    graph_free(graph, num_ver);



****    Find Euler Function:  Displays the graph, checks
****      for the necessary and sufficient condition and
****      then, if appropriate, calls the Depth First Search
****      function and finally displays the path.

void find_euler(graph_ptr graph, int num_ver)
  int i;
  int odd = 0;    /* Number of Vertices w/ Odd Degree */
  int start = 1;    /* Default Start Position for Traversal */
  path_ptr path;    /* The Linked List for the Path */

  /* Display the Graph (in adjancency list format) */

  print_line(72, '-');
  graph_print(graph, num_ver);

  /* Check for Necessary and Sufficient Condition */

  for(i=num_ver; i>0; i--)
    if(graph[i].adj%2) {
      start = i;

  switch(odd) {
    case 0:    /* No Vertices w/ Odd Degree */
      printf("Eulerian Circuit:  %n", &print_pos);
    case 2:    /* Exactly 2 Vertices w/ Odd Degree */
      printf("Eulerian Circuit:  Impossible\n");
      printf("Eulerian Path:  %n", &print_pos);
    default:    /* Vertices w/ Odd Degree:  >0 but !=2 */
      printf("Eulerian Circuit:  Impossible\n");
      printf("Eulerian Path:  Impossible\n\n");

  path = path_init();    /* Initialize Linked List */

  dfs(graph, start, path);    /* Traverse Graph (the REAL work) */

  if(graph[0].adj)    /* If there are still untraversed edges . . . */
    printf("Impossible\nGraph is Unconnected\n\n");
  else    /* Otherwise, Print the Path */



****    Depth First Search Function:  Add the vertex to the
****      path list, and then if there are adjacent vertices
****      it calls itself on each one in turn, after
****      deleting the connecting edge (this insures that
****      it won't traverse that edge again).  When there
****      are no more adjacent vertices, it returns.  Note
****      that when it returns to the calling copy of
****      itself, the path pointer is in the appropriate
****      place for inserting the next sub-path (thus, there
****      is no need for splicing seperate lists together).

void dfs(graph_ptr graph, int vertex, path_ptr path)
  int next_ver;    /* The Next Vertex to Traverse */
  graph_ptr edge;    /* The edge (adj list node) between this vertex and next */

  path_add(path, vertex);    /* Add this vertex to path list */
  if(graph[vertex].adj == 0) return;    /* Return if this is a Dead End */

  while((edge=graph[vertex].next) != NULL) {    /* For all Adj Vertices . . . */
    next_ver = edge->adj;
    graph_del(graph, edge);    /* Delete Connecting Edge */
    dfs(graph, next_ver, path->next);    /* Search on Adj Vertex */


****    Graph - Read Function:  Reads a graph from the data
****      file.  This function returns the number of
****      vertices in the graph.  (Thus, when it returns a
****      zero, the calling function knows it has reached
****      the end of the data file.)

int graph_read(file_ptr fp, graph_ptr *graph)
  int i, j, num_ver, vertex, num_adj, adj;

  /* Read Number of Vertices */

  fscanf(fp, "%d ", &num_ver);
  if(num_ver == 0) return(0);

  /* Initialize Graph for the Right Number of Vertices */

  *graph = graph_init(num_ver);

  for(i=1; i<=num_ver; i++) {    /* For Each Vertex . . . */

    /* Read Vertex Number */

    fscanf(fp, "%d ", &vertex);
    if(vertex != i) error("Bad File Format\0");

    /* Read Number of Adjacencies */

    fscanf(fp, "%d ", &num_adj);

    /* Read and Add to Graph the Adjancencies */

    for(j=1; j<=num_adj; j++) {
      fscanf(fp, "%d ", &adj);
      graph_add(*graph, vertex, adj);


****    Graph - Init Function:  Allocates and Initializes an
****      array of header nodes for the adjancency lists.

graph_ptr graph_init(int num_ver)
  int i;
  graph_ptr temp;

  /* Allocate the Array from 0 the Number of Vertices */

  temp = (graph_ptr)calloc(num_ver+1, sizeof(struct graph_node));
  if(!temp) error("Out of Memory\0");

  /* Initialize Array w/ Null Values */

  for(i=0; i<=num_ver; i++) {
    temp[i].adj = 0;
    temp[i].twin = NULL;
    temp[i].prev = NULL;
    temp[i].next = NULL;


****    Graph - Add Function:  Adds a node to the adjacency
****      list for vertex, and also a TWIN node to the
****      adjacent nodes list, the twins are linked together
****      so that when one is accessed, the other can be
****      found easily (they both, after all, represent the
****      same edge).

void graph_add(graph_ptr graph, int vertex, int adj)
  /* Add Node to Vertex and Twin Node to Adjacent Vertex */

  graph_add_node(&graph[vertex], adj);
  graph_add_node(&graph[adj], vertex);

  /* Link the Twin Nodes Together */

  graph[vertex].next->twin = graph[adj].next;
  graph[adj].next->twin = graph[vertex].next;

  /* Increment the Number of Adjacencies at Each Node */


  /* Increment the Edge Count */



****    Graph - Add Node Function:  Adds a node to an
****      adjacency list.  (Used by the Add function --  see
****      above.)

void graph_add_node(graph_ptr list, int adj)
  graph_ptr temp;

  /* Allocate Node */

  temp = (graph_ptr)malloc(sizeof(struct graph_node));
  if(!temp) error("Out of Memory\0");

  /* Link it into List and Initialize */

  temp->adj = adj;
  temp->twin = NULL;
  temp->prev = list;
  temp->next = list->next;
  if(list->next) list->next->prev = temp;
  list->next = temp;


****    Graph - Delete Function:  Deletes the node passed to
****      it by the calling function and also that nodes
****      twin.

void graph_del(graph_ptr graph, graph_ptr node)
  /* Decrement Number of Adjacencies at Each Vertex */


  /* Delete the Node and its Twin */


  /* Decrement Edge Counter */



****    Graph - Delete Node Function:  Deletes a node from
****      an adjacency list.  (Used by the Delete function
****      -- see above.)

void graph_del_node(graph_ptr node)
  node->prev->next = node->next;
  if(node->next) node->next->prev = node->prev;



****    Graph - Print Function:  Prints the graph in
****      adjacency list format (Vertex (# of Adj):  Adj
****      Vertices).

void graph_print(graph_ptr graph, int num_ver)
  int i;
  graph_ptr j;

  if(num_ver==0) {
    printf("\nEmpty Graph\n");

  for(i=1; i<=num_ver; i++) {
    printf("\nVertex %d (%d):  ", i, graph[i].adj);
    j = graph[i].next;
    while(j) {
      printf("%d ", j->adj);
      j = j->next;


****    Graph - Free Function:  Frees the memory used by a
****      graph.

void graph_free(graph_ptr graph, int num_ver)
  int i;
  graph_ptr j, kill;

  for(i=0; i<=num_ver; i++)
    while((kill = graph[i].next) != NULL)



****    Path - Init Function:  Creates the header node for
****      the Path linked list.

path_ptr path_init(void)
  path_ptr temp;

  /* Allocate Space for Header Node */

  temp = (path_ptr)malloc(sizeof(struct path_node));
  if(!temp) error("Out of Memory");

  /* Initialize w/ Null Values */

  temp->vertex = 0;
  temp->next = NULL;


****    Path - Add Function:  Inserts a node into the Path
****      linked list.

void path_add(path_ptr node, int vertex)
  path_ptr temp;

  /* Allocate Space for Node */

  temp = (path_ptr)malloc(sizeof(struct path_node));
  if(!temp) error("Out of Memory\0");

  /* Link into List and Store Data */

  temp->vertex = vertex;
  temp->next = node->next;
  node->next = temp;


****    Path - Print Function:  Prints the Path List,
****      formatting so that no line is longer than 72
****      characters.

void path_print(path_ptr path)
  int chars_printed;

  /* Print First Vertex */

  if(path) {
    printf("%d%n", path->vertex, &chars_printed);
    print_pos += chars_printed;
    path = path->next;

  /* Print remaining Vertices */

  while(path) {
    /* If Screen Position is anywhere but the left edge, Print comma */
    if(print_pos) {
      printf(", ");
      print_pos += 2;
    /* If Screen Position is at right edge, Start New Line */
    if(print_pos > MAX_PRINT_POS) {
      print_pos = 0;
    /* Print Vertex */
    printf("%d%n", path->vertex, &chars_printed);
    print_pos += chars_printed;
    path = path->next;

****    Path - Free Function:  Frees the memory used by the
****      Path linked list.

void path_free(path_ptr path)
  path_ptr i;

  for(i=path; i != NULL; i=path) {
    path = path->next;


****    Open File Function:  Prompts the user for a filename
****      and then attempts to open that file.  If a file of
****      that name can't be found (or another error occurs)
****      then program execution is terminated with an error
****      message.

file_ptr open_file(void)
  file_ptr fp;
  char filename[80];
  int i;

    filename[i] = '\0';

  printf("Data File: ");
  scanf("%s", filename);

  if((fp=fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
    error("Cannot Open File\0");


****    Print Header/Footer:  Displays the title of program
****      and header and footer lines.

void print_header(void)
  print_line(72, '=');
  printf("Eulerian Circuit/Path Finder\n");
  print_line(72, '=');

void print_footer(void)
  print_line(72, '=');

****    Error Function:  Displays the given error message
****      and then immediately exits the program.

void error(const char *message)
  printf("ERROR:  ");


****    Print Line Function:  Displays a line of the
****      length and made of the specified character.

void print_line(int length, char ch)
  int i;

  for(i=0; i
