Week of |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Reading |
June 18 |
Introduction, Stacks and Queues |
Asymptotic analysis, |
Asymptotic analysis, |
Chapters |
June 25 |
Priority queues & Binary heaps |
Binomial heaps & priority queues |
Binary search trees |
Chapter 4, sections 1-3 |
July 2 |
AVL trees |
July 4th -- No class |
Splay trees |
Chapter 4 |
July 9 |
B-trees |
Disjoin Union/Find |
Midterm review -- no slides |
Chapter 4, section 8 |
July 16 |
Hashing |
Hashing |
Chapter 5 |
July 23 |
Sorting |
Sorting |
Graphs |
Chapter 7 |
July 30 |
Graph Algorithms |
Spanning Tree |
Network Flow |
Chapter 9 |
Aug 6 |
NP-Completeness |
NP-Completeness |
Chapter 9 |
Lecture slides borrow heavily from those used in previous offerings on cse326, who in turn borrowed from previous offerings, etc. etc..