CodeWarrior 5 GP142 Projects

The following are the key steps in preparing a GP142 project under CodeWarrior Pro 5 (These directions assume you have a "powerPC" mac; if you have an older 68k processor, substitute 68k for ppc below).

Start CodeWarrior
Select "New" from the File menu.  In the "New Project" dialog,click the triangle next to "Standard Console" and select Std C++ console ppc. Click OK.
Drag and drop your source files onto the project window (under " Sources"), or choose "Add files" from the Project menu. The result should look something like the picture at right.
If you get an "add files" dialog, click OK.
Go to preferences (e.g. click the icon under the arrow in the project window screenshot above.)
Select "PPC Target", and increase both preferred and minimum heap sizes to 512K or larger.
Select "C/C++ Language Settings" and set it as shown at right. Key issues are to set bool support, and include MacHeaders.h prefix, but do NOT "activate C++ compiler or ANSI strict.
Save settings
Open gp142.h and (if necessary) change #define WINDOWS to MACINTOSH
You may need to #include <stdlib.h> to some of your source files
delete helloworld.cp (or sillyballs.cp/.rsc)
You should be able to compile & run now...