2/7: New exercise today involving stl vectors. Due Monday morning, 10 am. Yet another exercise also posted using stl maps. We were going to release this one on Monday, but since we finished all the relevant lecture material today it's out now so people can start early. The map exercise is still due next Wednesday.
2/6: The writeup for hw3 is available now. We'll have an overview and demo in class either tomorrow or Monday, and starter code will be pushed to everyone's repos early this weekend. Due in three weeks (with a midterm exam in the middle) and, as usual, starting early and making steady progress is the way to go!
2/5: Slides and worksheet for tomorrow's sections linked to the calendars now.
1/18: A collection of old exams and topic lists have been added. See the resources page for the link. The topic lists will be updated for this quarter once we get closer to the exams, but they should give you a very good idea of what to expect.
1/1: Welcome to the CSE 333 website for
Winter Quarter, 2025.
This website is still under construction, so please expect occasional
broken links, missing pages, and other errurs
for now.
Please contact cse333-staff[at]cs
if you spot any unexpected problems.
Instructor: Hal Perkins (perkins[at]cs – but please use the staff mailing list or a private message on the course discussion board whenever possible to increase the chances someone will be able to reply to you quickly)
Teaching Assistants: Lainey Jeon, Hannah Jiang, Irene Lau, Nathan Li, Janani Raghavan, Sean Siddens, Deeksha Vatwani, Yiqing Wang, Wei Wu, and Jennifer Xu
Lectures: MWF 11:30-12:20 and 2:30-3:20 in CSE2 G10
Sections: (Current locations shown, but check the time schedule for any late changes)
Please use the message board (link at the
top of the page) whenever possible.
If you can, please post your question publicly --
the answer to your question is likely to be helpful to others
in the class, and, by using the discussion board, it will be
available to them as well.
Please use a private posting for things like detailed assignment code
or questions.
For situations that are not appropriate for a discussion board thread
such as illness, personal emergencies, or unusual situations,
please send email to cse333-staff[at]cs
so we can better
help you and keep track of the issue.