CSEp 590b: Incentives in Computer Science (Winter 2020)
[course information
| lectures
| homework
| resources
| discussion board
- Upload your final project report (must be a pdf) both to piazza (tag "project_reports") and to canvas.
Due March 15 at 11:59pm.
- If you wrote code as part of your project, upload a single zip file containing everything to
canvas, also by March 15, 11:59pm..
- Programming: For the programming portions of the homeworks, you will need to use Java.
Here is some relevant information.
- Latex: Here is a LaTeX template that you can use to type up solutions. Here and here are introductions to LaTeX.
course information
About this course:
Many modern applications require the design of software or systems
that interact with multiple self-interested participants. This course
will teach students how to think about and analyze such systems using
economic and game theoretic principles. Topics include auctions
(e.g., Facebook's advertising system), equilibrium analysis,
cryptocurrencies (e.g. the incentive structure of Bitcoin), two-sided
markets (online labor markets, dating markets, etc.),and reputation
Tentative syllabus (may change):
- Matching and allocation problems, stability and incentives.
- Introduction to Game Theory, Nash equilibrium, dominant strategies, normal form and extensive form games.
- Price of anarchy for traffic and network over-provisioning.
- Auctions: First price, second price, ad auctions, VCG mechanism, combinatorial and spectrum auctions.
- Markets and the issues faced such as asymmetric information; reputation systems, market clearing prices, first welfare theorem and auction algorithm.
- Incentives in cryptocurrencies.
- Online learning in markets.
- Scoring rules and prediction markets.
- Time inconsistent planning, behavioral economics; differential privacy.
- Voting
Instructor: Anna Karlin,
CSE 594, tel. 543 9344
Time: Tuesdays, 6:30 -- 9:20pm
in G04
Office hours: By appointment -- send email.
Teaching assistant:
Aditya Saraf send email.
Office hours: Tuesdays, 5:30-6:20pm. In Gates 150. Also by appointment -- just send email.
Course evaluation: 4-5 homeworks, mix of programming and theoretical exercises (~60%), project (~40%).