COMPONENT ONE: Final project report (one per group)
Prepare a final project report (15-20 pages) that includes relevant background, architectural decisions, and current status. The document will include some new material as well as updated versions of everything you have already submitted in previous homework assignments for your project. You should use your mid-term project report as a starting point. A strongly suggested organization of the report is as follows:
I. Abstract: An approximately 150-250 word summary of your project. It should explain the general idea of your project, why a reader should be interested, and any evaluation you completed.
II. Introduction: What is the problem your project addresses? What did you decide on for a solution? Why should a reader believe your solution is a good one? Why would users want to use it? What are the key aspects of your solution that may distinguish it from other work that is out there? Was there a special reason you chose your platform (in terms of functionality or features it provides, not on convenience)?
III. Related work: What have others done that is similar or related to your project? What similar applications are there? How does your project compare to these? Do not limit your scope to other applications on your platform. Include citations for related work, which should include URLs if available. The citations and URLs should appear in a list of references at the end of the report.
IV. Usage model: Describe how a user is going to use your application. Describe the system from a user's perspective. In other words, describe the interactions with your system including figures of what the app’s screens may look like. This should include the principal application screens and how they are used.
V. Architecture design: Present the detailed design of your system. What key assumptions are you making about your system or the environment in which it will be used? What justification do you have for those assumptions being reasonable? What are the components, how do they fit together and talk to one another? Which protocols or platform features are you using? For example, what sensors or libraries are you using? If you are using a database for storing information, where is this data kept and how is it organized? If you are using a remote server, what data is stored there and when does communication with the server occur? How is functionality partitioned between the client and the server? If you communicate with other devices or machines, how do you do so (what communication medium do you use)?
VI. Evaluation: Relate any evaluations you did of your project. All projects should relate their user experiences (reported in homework #9). Report on any performance evaluations you did of your work in part (for a particular module) or in total. For example, were locations accurate enough, communication speeds fast enough, reaction times fast enough, etc.
VII. Project status: What is the status of your project? Which parts are working and which are not? Is the functionality complete as you had stated previously? What testing have you done for each of the components? What would be the next steps in the development of your project?
VIII. Lessons learned: What did you learn about the process of creating mobile applications? What was easier than you expected? What was harder? What would you have done differently, and why? What changed from your original plan and scope, and why?
IX. Acknowledgments: If you have received help from people outside of your team, please acknowledge what contributions they have made.
X. References: Provide a list of references cited with complete bibliographic information including URLs where available. These should be approximately 10-20 of the most relevant works you consulted.
Turn in a single .pdf file
containing the final report named HW11-yourteamname.pdf (one per group).
Also, turn in a single .zip file containing all the code from your project. Make sure to include a README file that contains a quick description of all your code components and that your code is well-commented. Please name the file (one per group).
statement (one per person)
Prepare a reflective statement on your project experience. This is your chance to speak your mind about whether this kind of project was a good idea and worked well with the course or not. It is also your opportunity to tell us about your group experience and whether you felt the workload among the team members was balanced or not. Be honest and constructive. It can be as short or a long as you like.
Turn in a single .pdf file containing your reflective statement named HW11-yourlastname.pdf (one per person)
Grading criteria
30 Full Score for report
-1 to -5 for abstract, introduction, and usage
-1 to -5 for related work and references
-1 to -5 for architectural design
-1 to -5 for evaluation
-1 to -5 for project status
-1 to -5 for lessons learned
5 Additional points for reflective statement