Time to take your project out for people to see.
Continuing to build on your previous assignment (the slideshow), you will now try out your application usage case on a range of users as close as possible to being likely members of your target user group. For example, if your application is for use by a family or household, then work with groups of users that form a household. If your application is for people who hike, then find hikers to talk to.
Since you already had your screens rendering, you’ll hopefully have had time to link them together so that buttons are usable (even if only for navigation, if not function). Take your application and fill any gaps. That is, if you don’t have functionality fully implemented, mock-it up (e.g., no connection to the camera yet, then include a generic picture; no connection to a server, then include typical data that would returned by the server). Basically, make sure you have a typical user experience even if it is with mocked-up data (even hard-wired into your code).
The purpose of this assignment is to get a little bit of feedback before you finalize your project. Show it to a minimum of 2 people for each member of your group (e.g., a group of 3 should show it to at least 6 individuals). You can do it one at a time, or collect them into a focus group. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. You should collect reactions divided into 2 main categories: what they think of your application concept; and what they think of the user interface. In more detail, we want to hear about the following:
Overall application concept.
· Do they find the concept appealing?
· Would they purchase such an application? If so, for how much?
· Who do they think would find it useful?
· Have they seen or used similar applications?
Comments on the user interface.
· Do they like the way you’ve organized the application? Preferences? Set-up, if any?
· Did the find the screens clear and easy to use? Where there any difficulties/confusion?
· What would they like to see changed?
· Is it nearly good enough for them that they would use it or does it need much more work? How much more?
The objective of this assignment is to get you feedback about your application and possibly make it better – if there is enough time to take the suggestions into account. In either case, whether you put the feedback into the application or not, it will provide you with some material for the evaluation section of your final project report and possibly for the future work section. This should be on the order of 3 to 6 pages of text. Please describe the setup your chose for your user testing: individual or group sessions, what questions you asked exactly and why, what you learned from the experience (both about the application and user testing process).
Turn in a single file containing the feedback organized into the two major groups above and named HW9-yourteamname.pdf
Grading criteria
14 Full Score
-2 for every person below recommended number; +2
for every two people above
-1 to -5 for incomplete description of feedback
-1 to -4 for incomplete description of feedback
regarding application idea
-1 to -4 for incomplete description of feedback
regarding app UI (at least the screen submitted in homework #8 slide show)