This is a very important assignment.
On March 7, the due date of this assignment (note, the due time is 3 hours before class), we will view presentations of each of your projects. There are 19 of them, so there will only be about 7-8 minutes for each one (and for a 15 minute intermission).
Each group needs to produce a 3-5 minute video. This range has hard limits. We will only show up to the first 5 minutes of the video.
Your video must have the following elements:
1. A title with the name of the projects and all team members.
2. At least one user holding a phone running your application.
3. A narrator (could be the user) explaining the purpose of the application and how it is being used.
4. Enough screen shots to give someone a good idea of the major steps in using the app (not the little, sometimes necessary, but inconsequential details).
You can choose from one of several presentation styles for your video:
· A user manual (a bit dry, but informative).
· The app in actual use and in context (out and about with a user).
· An advertisement as would appear on a web site.
· An original skit to demonstrate its utility and niche.
If producing a video is absolutely impossible, email and propose an alternative presentation format.
We will be viewing and rating all the videos in our class session on Monday, March 7. All the members of the group will be at the front of the room while their video plays and then take a few questions afterwards. Each group will have a maximum of 8 minutes so we will need to make transitions quickly. We will provide a playbill and rating form for you all to use to cast anonymous votes that will be part of the grade.
We will use YouTube to collect the video submissions. Please follow these steps.
At least one member of your group will need to
setup an account. Go to
to do this.
From there you can check the list of supported
formats at
3. To upload, follow the instructions at
4. Make sure that your video’s title starts with “UWashington CSEP590B: your title here” so that it will be easy to search for all of them.
5. Verify that your video can be viewed as you intended.
6. Send e-mail to Tope (WP7/iPhone projects) or Cary (Android projects) with a link to your video.
Grading criteria
15 Full Score
5 points will be determined by your average viewer
rating from the class on a scale of 1 to 5
5 points for completeness in explaining the application’s
5 points for completeness in explaining the
application’s use