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 Homework 3: SMS Application Design
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Due April 23, 6:30 pm

An international firm has hired you to help them design an application for use on mobile phones in a developing country. They read the Warana Unwired paper (which you should too!), which showed how an unsuccessful agricultural kiosk project was replaced by a mobile phone application.) Your job is to perform a design exploration. The requirements of this application are as follows:
  1. Targeted to a specific country (see note below) and be related to an activity that helps people's well being.
  2. SMS based: provide a particular function that the local population would find useful - Who is the audience for the design? What would the SMS application do? (Give us a short and clear description of the purpose of the application)
  3. Address at least one of the following aspects of design:
    1. Mobile phone infrastructure of the country: What is the current mobile penetration, growth and future potential?
    2. Economic Analysis: What is the cost of implementing the design, what is required to make it cost recoverable or profitable?
    3. Implementation : How would you implement the design idea? (could include descriptions, UML diagrams, whatever helps communicate the idea)
    4. Other: Be creative and address some other aspect of design.
Note: To choose a specific country for this assignment, you can select the same country you chose for homework 1 (the kiosk assignment) or pick a new one (select a random number from 90-177 and select the corresponding country on the Human Development Index http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/).

Some additional things to consider:

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