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If you are taking CSEP 590B, please sign up for the mailing list.Homework turnin Submit files as DOC or PDF (Not DOCX).Computing for the Developing WorldAdvances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have had a transformative impact on those of us in the developed world. Will ICT have the same impact on the billions of people who live on under $2 a day? Can ICT be used to address fundamental challenges faced by the world's poor in health, education, and earning a livelihood?This course will provide an introduction to the growing field of ICTD (Information and Communication Technologies for Development). The course will look at core technologies (cell phones, networking, open source, PCs, radio), application domains (health, education, agriculture, microfinance, governance) and case studies. Course InformationTime: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm, starting April 2, 2008.UW Location: CSE 305 Redmond Location: Building 99, Rooom 1915 Contact InformationInstructor: Richard Anderson, anderson@cs, CSE 582, Office hours by appointment.Teaching Assistant: Emma Rose, ejrose@u, Office hours by appointment. Important AnnouncementsThe May 14th class will be rescheduled for Monday, May 12th.Assignments and WorkloadThere will be weekly reading assignments and short writing/research assignments. Students will also be required to write two book reviews of popular development books.The course will not have a final exam or a major project.
TopicsMost lectures will be structured with a technology component and application problem, and case studies.
Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 (206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX [comments to anderson] |