Exercise: Final Project Milestone Review
Your group will be reviewing three final project milestone submissions from teams other than your own. We will determine the assignment of projects to activity groups at the beginning of the class session.
Task: Review an FP Milestone Submission and Share Feedback (× 3)
You will review a total of three FP milestones. First load the project URL and review the content. Focus first on the intended topic: what is the project trying to explain? Then go on to view the content (visualizations, sketches, notes, etc). You should evaluate the submission relative to the stated explanation goals. How well do you think the current trajectory will fare at effectively explaining the topic?
Throughout this process you should discuss within your group what you like about the submission and what you think could be improved. You are encouraged, but not required, to share feedback in the form of I Like / I Wish / What If statements. That said, we recommend that you limit What If-style suggestions to things that are achievable in the next week or so!
A milestone submission may also include questions for reviewers. If so, please share any responses you have. If no questions are shared, or you don’t have any meaningful answers, enter “N/A” in the submission form.
To submit project feedback, use the submission form link shared on Ed.
You will submit the form multiple times: once for each project you review. Only one activity group member should submit the form per reviewed project.