Exercise: Color Design
First review the provided dataset. We’re just trying to understand the data before moving to the next exercise. The dataset we are using is an augmented version of the species directory from the World Wildlife Fund. A CSV file of the data is at data/wwf-species.csv
and has been pre-loaded and assigned to the species
const species = FileAttachment("../data/wwf-species.csv").csv({ typed: true });
Here are the fields of the dataset:
- CONSERVATION STATUS: Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, Near Threatened, Least Concern
- LAND/WATER: Land animal or Water animal
- ANIMAL CLASS: Mammal, Fish, Amphibian, Bird, Reptile, Insect
Task 1: Evaluate and Update Visualization 1
Evaluate: Review the following visualization’s color palette. Use the rules of thumb suggested in the color lecture to guide your evaluations! The Viz Palette website could be useful for testing color palettes under different color vision deficiencies. There are also CVD simulation tools available online.
Based on what we’ve learned from lecture and the readings if this an appropriate use of color? Why/why not?
- Write your answer here
Update: Next, use any tool(s) of their choice to recreate the above visualization and improve its use of color. If you think a standard color palette will work, feel free to use one. For example, the D3 color schemes and Vega color schemes might be worth looking into. You are also more than welcome to create your own color palette(s) to take advantage of any interesting dataset and/or cultural cues.
// create your updated visualization here
Task 2: Evaluate and Update Visualization 2
Evaluate: Repeat the previous task with a new visualization. Evaluate the use of color in the following visualization according to lecture and the readings and record your rationale below.
Based on what we’ve learned from lecture and the readings if this an appropriate use of color? Why/why not?
- Write your answer here
Update: Now, recreate and recolor the visualization!
// create your updated visualization here
Task 3: Evaluate and Update Visualization 3
Evaluate: We will repeat this process one more time! Evaluate the use of color in the following visualization according to lecture and the readings and record your rationale below.
Based on what we’ve learned from lecture and the readings if this an appropriate use of color? Why/why not?
- Write your answer here
Update: Now, recreate and recolor the visualization!
// create your updated visualization here
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