Assignment: Interactive Visualization, Part 2
This week you will complete the interactive visualization you began last week.
Assignment Description
Your task this week is to implement and publish your interactive visualization, and provide a write-up. Your write-up must include the following components:
- A rationale for your design decisions. How did you choose your particular visual encodings and interaction techniques? What alternatives did you consider and how did you arrive at your ultimate choices?
- References to external resources. Be sure to list the data sources you used. If your work adapts or builds on existing visualization examples, please cite those as well.
- An overview of your development process. Describe how the work was split among the team members. Include a commentary on the development process, including answers to the following questions: Roughly how much time did you spend developing your application (in people-hours)? What aspects took the most time?
Submission Details
Your interactive visualization should be submitted as a stand-alone page (named src/w6/
) within your GitLab repo. You should also provide your write-up on this page. For multi-person teams, all team members should include a submission in their individual repos. See below for more information.
Second, your team must submit a URL on Gradescope that links to a published interactive visualization on GitLab pages. Only one team member should submit the link, but must list all team members as part of the Gradescope submission.
You should modify the w6/
page with your implemented interactive visualization, and publish the page to your GitLab repo. The resulting visualization should then be accessible on your course GitLab Pages site. For multi-person teams, all team members should include a copy in their individual repos.
Replace this text and put your write-up here. For multi-person teams, all team members must paste the same write-up text in their individual repos.