Assignment: Journey Map

Maps not only convey space, they provide a context for story-telling. In this assignment, you should map any journey involving movement through physical space, personal or not. The journey could be a daily commute, a long-distance trip, moving patterns over years, or something from history. The key is to map movement from one place to another.

Assignment Description

Your task is to design a single visualization for your chosen journey. We expect most submissions will involve a static representation, but you are free to “skip ahead” and experiment with interactive or animated elements if you like. Journeys might be conveyed using geographic data and a map projection, but you are also free to explore other ways to show movement through space.

In addition to your visualization, you must provide a short write-up that describes the journey you sought to visualize, your data source(s), and a short (1 paragraph) design rationale justifying your data transformation and visual encoding choices.


We will determine scores by judging how the visualization conveys the journey, the individual design details, and the content of your write-up. For example:

Submission Details

This is an individual assignment. You may not work in groups. Submit your assignment by completing this page and publishing it to your GitLab repository. The rendered page should be viewable on your GitLab pages site. Second, you must submit a URL on Gradescope that links to your published journey map page on GitLab pages.


The design of this assignment was inspired by the 30 Day Map Challenge, specifically the day 5 challenge issued for May 11, 2024.

Journey Map

Replace this text and put your journey map here.

Write Up

Replace this text and put your write-up here.