Exercise: Deceptive Visualization
In this exercise, you will get more experience designing visualizations for a given dataset and practice your skills of deception to gain insight into how visualizations may mislead. You may work in groups of 1-3 people.
You will examine U.S. wages data from 2021, taken from a visualization created by the US Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau. The original visualization is here.
A CSV file of the data is available under data/us-wages-2021.csv
and has been pre-loaded on this page with the variable name wages
const wages = FileAttachment("../data/us-wages-2021.csv").csv({ typed: true });
Here are the columns of the dataset. Think about the data types (N, O, Q) and whether you might use them as dimensions or measures in your visualizations.
- Sex: Recorded as “Men” or “Women”.
- Race and ethnicity: Reported race according to US Census data (please see the notes from the original visualization for how race was recorded).
- Median Earnings (USD): Median annual earnings for full-time, year-round workers in the US.
- Occupation Group: The types of jobs measured.
Task 1: Create Earnest Visualizations
In this task, you will explore the provided dataset by creating some earnest visualizations that attempt to faithfully convey the data. We’re not trying to fool anyone yet! We’re just trying to understand the data.
Use whatever tools you like to create at least two earnest visualizations. Either implement the visualizations or add screenshot images below.
Earnest Visualization 1
Earnest Visualization 2
Task 2: Create a Deceptive Visualization
Now create at least one deceptive visualization. In class we discussed four types of deceptive visualizations. Consider these visualization types as you design your deceptive visualizations:
- Incorrect Visualizations
- Illegible Visualizations
- Bullshit Visualizations
- Unconventional Visualizations
Deceptive Visualization
Task 3: Reflect on the Consequences
In this task, you will reflect on how the decisions we made in our visualizations (both earnest and deceptive) may help or harm our intended visualization audience, as well as the subjects being analyzed. Please use the ethical considerations “cheat sheet” to guide your team’s discussion. According to these slides, we are the “analysts” creating visualizations about certain “subjects” (here, workers in the US) for a target “audience” (let’s say the general public).
Take notes on your group’s discussion below:
- Add notes here…
- Add notes here…
Don’t forget to add
, commit
, and push
your exercises to your GitLab repo!