name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- # Welcome to Future of Accessibility CSEP 590a Spring 2021 Instructor: Jennifer Mankoff
TAs: Venkatesh Potluri, Varsha Konda --- layout: false # Today's goals - Get you excited about access technology - Get you excited about the course - Give you a clear idea of what you’ll learn in the course - Course staff - Syllabus - Discussion topics: - The Heterogeneity of Ability - Access Technology, Early Adopters, and the Future - Course Logistics --- # The Future of Accessibility [switch decks](accessibility.html) --- # This **week's** learning goals - What is accessibility about? - What are some examples of accessibility technologies? - What does this have to do with computer science? --- # Course learning goals: ## Improving Access to the World - Sound Recognition - Navigation - ... --- # Course learning goals: Improving Access to the World ## Improving Access to Computers - Screen readers - Switch Access - Media Accessibility --- # Course learning goals: Improving Access to the World Improving Access to Computers ## Access and Activism - What is Abelism? - Advocacy and Power: Creating an accessible culture at work and Beyond --- layout: false # Today's goals - Get you excited about access technology - Get you excited about the course - Give you a clear idea of what you’ll learn in the course - **Course staff** - Syllabus - Discussion topics: - The Heterogeneity of Ability - Access Technology, Early Adopters, and the Future - Course Logistics --- .left-column-half[ # Jennifer Mankoff Pronouns: She/her [Make4All Lab]( I use technology to improve inclusion in and accessibility of our digital future. - Assistive and health technology - Fabrication/Physical computing - Improve inclusion and accessibility ] .right-column-half[  ] --- .left-column-half[ # Venkatesh Potluri Pronouns: He/him I aspire to make software engineering inclusive to developers who are blind or visually impaired (BVI) - improving programming environment accessibility - Inventing tools to support BVI developers to create aesthetically pleaseing interfaces - Improving efficiency of screen reader interactions ] .right-column-half[  ] --- .left-column-half[ # Varsha Konda Pronouns: He/him I'm a junior studying Computer Science at the University of Washington. - primarily interested in databases, accessibility, and algorithms. - currently doing research on understanding mobility preferences of people with disabilities. ] .right-column-half[  ] --- # Let's get to know you! Warmup What is your favorite animal?
--- # Let's get to know you! Breakout rooms, with questions: - Where in the world are you? - What is one thing that helped you most through quarantine? - Why do you want to learn about accessibility --- [//]: # (Outline Slide) # Today's goals - Get you excited about access technology - Get you excited about the course - Give you a clear idea of what you’ll learn in the course - Course staff - **Syllabus** - Discussion topics: - The Heterogeneity of Ability - Access Technology, Early Adopters, and the Future - Course Logistics --- # Where to find what The class is on the [web](/courses/csep590a/21sp/index), but we have used iframes to connect this to [Canvas]( We try to interlink everything as much as possible. - Class discussions and all contact with instructors should happen either in office hours or through a [class mailing list]( or [staff mailing list]( - You can also request appointments for further help --- # Development Environment **Background**: Programming expected Python is our primary language - Comfortable with Python; basic software engineering; data structures; etc - Will also use Jupyter Notebooks in one assignment - Comfortable reading / adding to existing source code --- # Syllabus: Summary of expectations and values - **Sharing**: Yes, but don't copy - **Accessibility**: This course is designed to be accessible - **Inclusivity**: An important value in this class, and in HCI! - **Academic Integrity**: A course value and requirement See our [Academic Conduct](/courses/csep590a/21sp/academic-conduct) page for more details - **Language**: I am Jen, or Dr. Mankoff - **Respect**: This class is a compact between us based on respect - **Healthy Environment**: Your health/mental health are important and we have tried to structure the class to support you (e.g. up to 5 late days without questions asked). If you need larger accommodations for any reason, consider working with [DRS]( as well as us. If you run into problems, or have preferences about these issues, please tell me! --- # Distance learning So how's this Distance Learning thing going to work? With shared expections of the - students - instructor - TAs. --- # Lecture and Section: Expectations - Please have your video on, or communicate with us if this will be an issue. - Please keep your mic muted unless you’re asking a question. - To ask a question, please type “hand” in the chat in Zoom or just speak up. - You may also post questions in the chat, but you may be asked to unmute your mic and ask your question aloud. - If you do type in the chat, ensure what you are typing is school appropriate and inclusive. - There will be individual and group based activities which you are expected to participate in. (Contact us if you are not able to participate in real time) - Please email us (privately) if you are in a time zone that does not allow you to participate during class synchronously so we can accomodate that for exams, etc. --- # Field Trip ## [Assignments](/courses/csep590a/21sp/assignments)