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CSEP 590A: Distributed Systems
Spring 2006


This course concerns the theory and practice of building secure, robust, efficient and evolvable distributed systems. Distributed systems are appearing at all granularities, from planetary scale web services such as Akamai, Ebay and Google, to distributed databases for managing multibillion dollar businesses, to massively parallel multiplayer games, to large scale sensor networks. In each case, there is a need for a deep understanding of fundamental principles if we are to achieve the desired system-level properties.

Course Information

Tom Anderson (tom AT cs...)
Kate Deibel (deibel AT cs...)
Wednesdays 6:30 - 9:30
EE1 037
Mailing List:
csep590a AT cs...
Office Hours:
by appointment



The lectures for this course will be available through podcasting.


The grades for the course will be based on the following distributions:

Blogs and class discussion: 25%
Programming assignments: 45%
Final: 30%

Important Dates

4/26/2006: Week 1 Programming Assignment(s) Due
5/03/2006: Week 2 Programming Assignment(s) Due
5/10/2006: Week 3 Programming Assignment(s) Due
5/17/2006: Absolutely nothing due!
5/24/2006: Week 5 Programming Assignment(s) Due
5/31/2006: Even more nothing due!
6/07/2006: Week 4 Programming Assignment(s) Due
Week 6 Programming Assignment(s) Due
Week 7 Programming Assignment(s) Due
Week 8 Programming Assignment(s) Due
Week 9 Programming Assignment(s) Due
6/09/2006: Final Due (by 5pm)

Accessibility Info

If you require academic accommodations, please contact Disability Resources for Students, 448 Schmitz, 543-8924 (TTY: 543-8925). They will give you a letter requesting academic accommodations. Please present the letter to the instructor and we will make the accommodations that you need for class.