CSEP 590tv - Quantum Computing
Summer 2005
Instructor: Dave Bacon (dabacon at cs dot washington dot edu)
Lecture: Wednesday, 6:30-9:20 p.m. in EE01-45
Office hours:Tuesday 5:00-6:00 in 460 CSE and by appointment
Text: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang

TA:Ioannis Giotis (giotis[!!at!!]cs.washington[!!dot!!]edu)
TA Office Hours: 5:30-6:30 in 430 CSE
Course Description:
An introduction to and survey of the field of quantum computing. Quantum
computation is an emerging field whose goal is to design effectively
atomic sized computers which exploit the parallelism of the quantum
mechanical laws of the universe. While this sounds futuristic, quantum
computers are fast becoming a reality, and have the potential to
revolutionize computation over the next twenty years. Topics include
quantum algorithms, quantum error correction, and quantum cryptography.
This course will give you the knowledge to understand why quantum
computers can break certain public key cryptosystems, the engineering
challenges in building a physical quantum computing device, and the
level of security assured by quantum crytopgraphic devices. Prior
knowledge of quantum theory is not necessary.
Course Syllabus (updated 7/29)
Problem Set #1 due 7/6 (solutions)
Problem Set #2 due 7/13 (solutions)
Problem Set #3 due 7/20 (solutions) problem 3 solution
Problem Set #4 due 7/27 (solutions)
Problem Set #5 due 8/3 (solutions)
Take Home Final due 8/17 (solutions)
Powerpoint 6/22
Powerpoint 6/29 In Class Problems 6/29
Powerpoint 7/6 In Class Problems 7/6
Powerpoint 7/13 In Class Problems 7/13
Powerpoint 7/20 In Class Problems 7/20 Solved In Class Problems 7/27
Powerpoint 7/27 In Class Problems 7/27 Solved In Class Problems 7/27
Powerpoint 8/3 In Class Problems 8/3
Powerpoint 8/10 In Class Problems 8/10
Powerpoint 8/12