CSE P 590TU: Information
Technology & Public Policy
Autumn 2004
Welcome to Information Technology & Public Policy, Autumn 2004
University of Washington CSE P 590TU
UC Berkeley PP 190/290-009
UCSD CSE 291 (C00)
Ed Lazowska,
UW Computer Science & Engineering
Maurer, UC Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy
Lazowska office hours: Mondays, 11-12, CSE 570 / 206-543-4755, or by appointment, or by
Maurer office hours: Fridays, 9-10, 307 GSPP / 510-848-3593, or by appointment, or by
Tapan Parikh,
UW Computer Science & Engineering,
Geoff Voelker,
UCSD Computer Science & Engineering,
Thanks to our outstanding tech staff:
Rod Prieto and
Fred Videon
Marvin Motley and
Arthur Yeap
(UC Berkeley);
Steve Hopper
This course will introduce various information technology policy issues
including the IT innovation ecosystem; Internet governance and use;
electronic voting; intellectual property law and economics; technology
transfer, intellectual property policies; antitrust; IT workforce issues;
computer security and critical infrastructures; privacy and encryption;
legislative threats; network markets, interoperability, and standards.
The course is a 4-site distance-learning experiment involving
the University of Washington, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, and Microsoft.
Lead instructors will be Ed Lazowska (UW Computer Science & Engineering)
and Steve Maurer (UCB Goldman School of Public Policy).
The course will meet Thursday evenings from 6:30-9:20
(the UW classroom is CSE 305;
the Berkeley classroom is 290 Hearst Mining Building;
the Microsoft classroom is 113/1159; the UCSD classroom
is AP&M 4301),
with two 15-minute breaks at approximately 7:20 and 8:20.
The first course session will be Thursday September 30.
The final course session will be Thursday December 10.
There will be no class on November 11 (Veterans Day)
and November 25 (Thanksgiving).
There will thus be 9 3-hour course sessions.
Course requirements will include substantial reading, active class
participation (to the extent possible given the crufty electronic format),
and a substantial term project that is essentially a "balanced policy brief"
on some topic related to IT policy.
- 10/31/04: Our current best guess at term project
teams is located on the Wiki
We would like to finish the shuffling by Tuesday.
Be sure to
email Tap
regarding changes.
Also, please remember, amidst all the flurry regarding term projects,
that there is reading assigned every week! Thanks!
- 10/23/04: By Friday the 29th, every student
who intends to fulfill the course project requirement
must have signed up on one of the four "site-specific"
Wiki pages, and student teams that want to avoid a
"shotgun marriage" must have created and linked a team
Wiki page. See
Tap's email.
- 10/14/04:
project information is available
(pdf here)!
- 10/11/04: We have re-ordered some class content.
The result is additional readings for this Thursday!
Please consult the
list and course schedule
(pdf here).
Apologies for the late notice.
- 10/11/04: Create a Wiki account
We are about
to lock the account creation function (after which you will have
to come groveling to Tap).
- 9/25/04: Two additional readings for the
first class session:
S. Maurer and S. Scotchmer,
Protection: Is It Broken and Should We Fix It,"
Science May 16, 1999;
S. Maurer, P.B. Hugenholtz and H. Onsrud,
Database Experiment," 294 Science 789
(2001) [password protected; password available
on course email archive]
- 9/11/04: The topic of the first class session
will be "Innovation Incentives." Please
prepare by reading S. Maurer and S. Scotchmer,
Knowledge," Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship,
Innovation, and Economic Growth 15:1 (2004).
- 8/28/04: Please join the class mailing list!
- Class schedule: Thursdays, 6:30pm - 9:20pm,
September 30 - December 10 except November
11 and 25.
- Class locations: UW: CSE 305 // UCB: 290 Hearst
Mining Building // Microsoft: 113/1159 // UCSD: AP&M 4301
- Office hours: See above.
- Instructions
for joining the class mailing list.
Archived class mailing list.
You should purchase the text:
Readings from this source, and from a number of web-available documents,
will be assigned weekly.
Your project for this course will be a "balanced policy brief" on a topic
of your choice
related to information technology and public policy.
The project will be done in self-selected teams of 4-6.
The best way to "scope" what we have
in mind is to know that each of the chapters of the
Aspray book was a project for a similar course.
is our course discussion area, and term project collaboration
Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
[comments to
lazowska at cs.washington.edu]