SPIN – PC Installation Instructions


These instructions are for installation of SPIN on a PC.  See http://spinroot.com/spin/whatispin.html for details on Linux installations.


You need to have a C-compiler and C-preprocessor installed on your machine.  In fact, SPIN relies on your C-preprocessor being called ‘cpp’.  I recommend installing and using cygwin, which contains gcc and all the needed libraries.  These instructions will therefore guide you through the installation of cygwin before installing SPIN.  You will run SPIN from inside the cygwin environment.


  1. Download the cygwin installer at http://unix.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe
  2. Launch the installer.  Be sure to specify a temp folder to hold the local package directory.  You can erase this after the install.  Use all of cygwin’s default configurations (that is, install to C:\cygwin, leave the default text file type as Unix).
  3. When you reach the screen that allows you to select which packages to install, do the following.  By default, cygwin will NOT install the needed development tools.  By default packages are organized by category. Installation can be managed all at once, by individual categories or by individual packages within each category. Click on the + (plus sign) to expand or contract categories.  The circle-arrows located in front of categories and packages are used to select installation options. Clicking on a circle-arrow moves through each installation option.  If you just want to use cygwin for this project, then toggle the options from Default to Install for the packages called “Devel”, “Editors”, “Libs” and “Math”.  If you want a full version of cygwin installed, then toggle all packages from Default to Install.  Note: if you try to toggle the All package, the program hangs up.  Therefore, do each one individually.
  4. Continue with the installation until Setup is complete.  The Setup should create a Desktop icon shortcut allowing you to launch cygwin.  Keep it, it’s useful.
  5. Now, download the PC package for SPIN located at http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/pc_spin407.zip
  6. Extract the Zip file to a folder.
  7. Open the folder and rename the executable ‘spin407’ to ‘spin’.  Also, rename the xspin407.tcl file to just ‘xspin’.  Copy these 2 files (spin and xspin) to the folder C:\cygwin\bin.  This should add the programs to your cygwin environment’s path. 
  8. Launch cygwin by using the Desktop icon.  It will bring up a command prompt, just like with a Unix system.  Your home directory is in C:\cygwin\home\YOURNAME.
  9. Change directories in cygwin to C:\cygwin\bin.  In this directory, type the following from the command prompt: chmod a+x xspin
  10. This will change the file xspin so that it is executable.
  11. Now, cd back to the directory containing the Promela file that you would like to run/verify with spin.
  12. Type ‘xspin filename &’ from the command prompt in cygwin to load ‘filename’ into SPIN, bringing up the Xspin GUI.
  13. You’re set to go!