CSEP 590TU Assignment #8
Autumn 2003
Due: Wednesday, Dec 3, 2003.
Read Chapter 10, sections 10.2, 10.4 and 10.6 of Sipser's text. (Ignore
the proof of Lemma 10.5!)
- Sipser's text problem 8.19. Only the part of showing that
the problem is in NL is required. The NL-hardness is a bonus if you would
like to do it.
- Sipser's text problem 10.5 page 378. (The majority function is
1 if at least half its inputs are 1.)
- Sipser's text problem 10.7 page 378.
- Sipser's text problem 5.10 page 195.
- Sipser's text problem 7.19 page 272.
- The PARTITION problem asks, given a collection of non-negative
binary numbers y1,..., yn whether or not it is possible
to partition these numbers into two groups so that the sum in each group
is the same.
More formally,
PARTITION={< y1,..., yn> |
there is a subset S in {1,.., n} so that the sum of all yi for i
in S equals the sum of all yj for j not in S}
Prove that PARTITION is NP-complete. Give a reduction from SUBSET-SUM and
try adding two large numbers of appropriate sizes to your set.
- For each of the following languages determine whether the problem is
(i) Turing-recognizable, (ii) decidable, (iii) in PSPACE, (iv) in NP, (v) NP-hard, or (vi) in P.
It might be more than one (or none) so you should answer
Yes, No, or Don't Know for each of these possibilities. Briefly justify each answer.
- {< M,w> | Turing machine M accepts w}.
- {< M,w > | Turing machine M accepts w in at most |w|2 steps}
- {< M,w > | Turing machine M accepts w in at most 2|w| steps}
- {< M,w> | Turing machine M does not accept w}
- {< F> | F is a 3-CNF formula which evaluates to true on some
truth assignment}
- {< F,x> | F is a 3-CNF formula which evaluates to true on truth
assignment x}
- {< F> | F is a propositional logic tautology}.
- {< G,k> | undirected graph G has a cycle of length at most k}