CSE 592 Topics of Study
The class will be motivated by the following sampling of real-world
applications which involved successful AI techniques.
- Autonomous control of complex embedded systems (e.g. the NASA space
probe Deep Space One, to be launched later this year).
- Software agents, information integration systems and declarative web
site specification.
- Decision Support Systems (e.g. medical diagnosis, software help systems)
- Datamining (e.g. prediction of credit card fraud, analysis of
manufacturing log data)
Core Algorthms and Ideas
In the course of underatnding the applications described above, we'll
cover a wide range of ideas, datastructures and algorithms that form the
core foundation of AI techniques. The emphasis will be on proven algorithms
that have been shown to work.
- Search
- Brute force
Depth first, breadth first, iterative deepening, iterative broadening
- Heuristic
best first, beam, hill climbing, limited discrepancy
- Optimizing
Branch & bound, A*, IDA*, SMA*
- Constraint Satisfaction
As search, preprocessing, backjumping, forward checking,
dynamic variable ordering
- Knowledge Representation & Reasoning
- Propositional Logic
Syntax, inference:
modus ponens, clausal form, resolution,
unit propagation & linear resolution, davis putnam (DPLL),
stochastic methods, GSAT, WalkSAT;
truth maintenance,
hard SAT problems and phase transitions
- Predicate Calculus
Syntax, inference:
unification, resolution, compilation to propositional form
- Modal Logic
Representing action and change, diagnosis, planning
- Bayesian Belief Networks
Joint probability distribution, indepenence, Bayes rule, inference and
diagnosis: clustering
methods, cutset conditioning methods, stochastic simulation; utility
functions, decision networks
- Learning
- Supervised Learning
Methodology: N-fold cross-validation;
induction of decision trees, entropy, information gain, ID3, C4.5,
overfitting, ensembles of classifiers, bagging, boosting, scaleup,
complete classification vs nuggets,
feature selection: LOOCV, racing, schemas;
inductive logic programming, FOIL, minimum description length, Grendel
- Reinforcement Learning
Cummulative discounted reward, dynamic programming, policy
iteration, value iteration, temporal-difference learning
- Bayesian Learning