Queries for Paper
//1)Find all reviews of the movie(s) Godzilla
Query Godzilla(url) <=>
//2)Find the year and title of all movies starring "Divine" and her role in these movies
Query Divine(movieTitle, year, role) <=>
actor-of(movieTitle, "Divine", role);
year-of(movieTitle, year).
//3)Find the artists who play on the soundtrack of the movie(s) "Stranger than Paradise"
Query STP(artist) <=>
soundtrack-of("Stranger than Paradise", musicTitle);
plays-on(musicTitle, artist).
Query Madonna1(title, store, price) <=>
actor-of(title, "Madonna", role);
price-of(title, store, format, price).
// 5)DoubleOscar
// Who won an Oscar in both 1993 and 1994?
Query DoubleOscar(a) <=>
oscar(z, a, t2, "1994");oscar(r, a, t1, "1993").
// 6)OscarAtCrossroads.qry
// Get the movies currently showing in Crossroads
// with an Oscar winner from 1987.
Query Oscar87WinnerNowAtCrossroads(p, t) <=>
oscar(oc, p, ot, "1987");
role-in-movie(t, p, mrole);
shows-in(t, "Bellevue", "WA", "Crossroads", stime).
// 7)Find Stores, Titles, Formats, Prices of
// movies for sale, if they are currently
// playing in Detroit
Query SELL( S, T, F, P ) <=>
price-of( T, S, F, P );
shows-in( T, "Detroit", "MI", Th, Tm ).
//8)find all interesting data about Titanic
Query TitanicInfo( direc, produc) <=>
director-of("Titanic", direc);
producer-of("Titanic",produc ).
//9)Find all Movies and Years that Anthony Hopkins won Oscars for.
Query Hopkins(Movie-title,OscarCategory,Year) <=>
actor-of(Movie-title, "Anthony Hopkins", Role);
oscar(OscarCategory, Person-name, Movie-title, Year).
//10)Find films directed by Alfred Hitchcock where there is a soundtrack of the movie:
Query AHFilm(film,musictitle) <=> director-of(film,"Alfred Hitchcock");
soundtrack-of(film, musictitle).
Jared Saia
Last modified: Thu Jun 11 11:48:06 PDT 1998