import java.util.*; import*; import java.lang.*; //PRE: //reads from standard input a file of the following form //var1 var2 ... //var3 ~var2 ... //... //each line represents a clause in a proposition. There can be no //blank lines. A line consists of one or more arbitrary strings //separated by spaces. The strings represent the boolean variables. //If the string is prefixed by a single ~ symbol then the variable is //assumed to be negated in that clause. The variables in the line are //assumed to be "or'ed" together and each line is assumed to be //'anded" together with the other lines. //POST: //If any line in the input is blank, signals an error. //Otherwise calls the gsat algorithm on the propositional logic //formula specified by the file with the parameters max-flips and //max-tries. If gsat returns a satisfying assignment, prints this //assignment to stdout otherwise prints a failure message. public class Formula{ //the VarRec contains information about a variable in the CNF. It //contains 1) the unique id for the variable 2) info on whether or //not that variable is negated //a formula object contains an array of arrays of VarRecs where //arrCNF[i][j] is the information about the jth variable in the ith //clause. e.g. if the first clause is a v ~b v c then arrCNF[0][2] //is the varRec with values 2 for id and true for isNegated. VarRec arrCNF[][]; int numVars; //dVar stores mappings from boolean variable names to unique integer identifiers for the names. //we need to keep it around to print out satisfying truth assignments Dictionary dVar; public int numVars(){return numVars;} public Dictionary getDictionary(){return dVar;} //PRE: the id values in dVar are no larger than the number of elems in dVar. //POST: returns a string representing this public String toString(){ int size = dVar.size(); //contains mapping of the keys in dVar to the strings String arrIDS[] = new String[size]; Enumeration enum = dVar.keys(); while(enum.hasMoreElements()){ String sCurr = (String) enum.nextElement(); Integer i = (Integer)dVar.get(sCurr); int id = i.intValue(); arrIDS[id] = sCurr; } String sRes = ""; for(int i=0;i0 boolean isNegated = (sCurrVar.charAt(0)=='~'); if(isNegated){ sCurrVar = sCurrVar.substring(1); //get rid of the "~" char } Integer id = (Integer) dVar.get(sCurrVar); if(id==null){ id = new Integer(dVar.size()); dVar.put(sCurrVar,id); } VarRec currRec = new VarRec(id.intValue(),isNegated); vRes.addElement(currRec); } return vRes; } //PRE: inStrm is correctly formatted(as specified at the top of this file //POST: sets arrCNF and numVars appropriately. public Formula(DataInputStream inStrm){ InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(inStrm); LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(isr); dVar = new Hashtable(); Vector vConjuncts = new Vector(); boolean done = false; String sLine = null; while(!done){ try{ sLine = lnr.readLine(); if(sLine!=null&&sLine.length()>0){ Vector vVars = getVarsOnLine(sLine,dVar); vConjuncts.addElement(vVars); }else{ done = true; } } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("error in input file"); System.exit(1); } } this.numVars = dVar.size(); //now put the information that's in the vectors into arrCNF int numConjuncts = vConjuncts.size(); this.arrCNF = new VarRec[numConjuncts][]; for(int i=0;imaxSat){ maxSat = numSat; bestAssign = currAssign; } } return bestAssign; } //POST: calls the gsat algorithm on the cnf. If an assignment is //found within the bounds numTries and numFlips, returns that //assignment in RES otherwise RES is null //The GSAT algorithm is the following: // //do the following until a satisfying assignment is found //for i = 1 to numTries //r <- a random assignment // for j = 1 to numFlips // flip the bit of r which gives the maximal number of satisfied conjuncts (break a tie in any manner) public static Assignment getSatAssign(Formula cnf, int numFlips, int numTries){ boolean foundAssign = false; int numVars = cnf.numVars(); Assignment currAssign = new Assignment(numVars); for(int i=0;i