
# -----------------
# Licensing Information: Please do not distribute or publish solutions to this
# project. You are free to use and extend these projects for educational
# purposes. The Pacman AI projects were developed at UC Berkeley, primarily by
# John DeNero ( and Dan Klein (
# For more info, see

from game import Agent
from game import Directions
import random

class KeyboardAgent(Agent):
  An agent controlled by the keyboard.
  # NOTE: Arrow keys also work.
  WEST_KEY  = 'a' 
  EAST_KEY  = 'd' 
  NORTH_KEY = 'w' 
  SOUTH_KEY = 's'
  STOP_KEY = 'q'

  def __init__( self, index = 0 ):
    self.lastMove = Directions.STOP
    self.index = index
    self.keys = []
  def getAction( self, state):
    from graphicsUtils import keys_waiting
    from graphicsUtils import keys_pressed
    keys = keys_waiting() + keys_pressed()
    if keys != []:
      self.keys = keys
    legal = state.getLegalActions(self.index)
    move = self.getMove(legal)
    if move == Directions.STOP:
      # Try to move in the same direction as before
      if self.lastMove in legal:
        move = self.lastMove
    if (self.STOP_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.STOP in legal: move = Directions.STOP

    if move not in legal:
      move = random.choice(legal)
    self.lastMove = move
    return move

  def getMove(self, legal):
    move = Directions.STOP
    if   (self.WEST_KEY in self.keys or 'Left' in self.keys) and Directions.WEST in legal:  move = Directions.WEST
    if   (self.EAST_KEY in self.keys or 'Right' in self.keys) and Directions.EAST in legal: move = Directions.EAST
    if   (self.NORTH_KEY in self.keys or 'Up' in self.keys) and Directions.NORTH in legal:   move = Directions.NORTH
    if   (self.SOUTH_KEY in self.keys or 'Down' in self.keys) and Directions.SOUTH in legal: move = Directions.SOUTH
    return move
class KeyboardAgent2(KeyboardAgent):
  A second agent controlled by the keyboard.
  # NOTE: Arrow keys also work.
  WEST_KEY  = 'j' 
  EAST_KEY  = "l" 
  NORTH_KEY = 'i' 
  SOUTH_KEY = 'k'
  STOP_KEY = 'u'

  def getMove(self, legal):
    move = Directions.STOP
    if   (self.WEST_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.WEST in legal:  move = Directions.WEST
    if   (self.EAST_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.EAST in legal: move = Directions.EAST
    if   (self.NORTH_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.NORTH in legal:   move = Directions.NORTH
    if   (self.SOUTH_KEY in self.keys) and Directions.SOUTH in legal: move = Directions.SOUTH
    return move