Assignment #9
Machine Learning - Neural Networks & Bayesian Learning
Due: December 6 (last class!)
You may work on this assign on your own or in teams of two. Hand in
hardcopy (one copy only if you are working in a team) in class on December 6.
This page makes extensive use of hyperlinks, please check the online
Readings for this week:
- Ch 20.1-20.3, skipping material on continuous models (Bayesian Learning)
- Note: although the problems on this assignment only concern neural
networks, there will be questions concerning Bayesian learning on the
take-home final exam.
- Ch 20.5 (Neural Networks)
Download and install the Joone (Java Object Oriented Neural Network) GUI
Editor on the computer of your choice. You can find download links on the
Joone homepage,
, or use the local copies of the Windows version here:
- The exclusive-OR function is the standard example of a non-linearly
separable function that cannot be learned by a perceptron (a single
neuron). Perform the example
of using the GUI to learn XOR from the Jooneworld page. Then see
what happens if your try to learn XOR using simpler networks. Try:
- A single neuron
- Two input units connected directly to an output unit
Write a paragraph describing what you saw during learning and
testing for each case.
- Create neural network that can distinguish just two characters, X and O.
Section 8.3.1 of the Joone Complete Documentation
describes how to create a character recognition network using unsupervised
learning and a self-organizing map (SOM) structure. For this exercise,
however, I would prefer you implement a simple supervised, feed-forward,
back-propagation network. (If you get stuck and the due date is
looming, then go ahead and replicate the SOM approach described in the
You can gather training and test examples in any of the following ways:
- Digitize and downsample (to 10x10 or so) your own writing using
any other image processing tools with which you are familiar.
- Use the Java digitizer and downsampler code that comes with Joone and
is described in Section 8.3.1 of the Joone Complete Documentation.
- Use just the X and O characters from the
data set that comes from the UCI
Machine Learning Repository.
Hand in a print out (or hand sketch) of your neural network, and a 1 page
writeup of your experiments and results.
Readings for next week:
- R&N Sections 4.3 and 4.4
- Section 5.3
- Page 222 (in 7.6, subsection beginning "Local-search algorithms") to 224