Readings and References
CSE P567 Winter, 2010
There is no textbook for this course. Readings will be divided
into Required Reading and References.
While you are expected to read the required reading, the references
are listed so that you can get extra information if you need it.
The Required Readings will be available as handouts, through the UW library, or on the Web.
Required Reading
Week 1 - Logic Synthesis for VLSI Systems (Pages 1-14 - see Homework #1)
The first half of the course will cover hardware design using
state-of-the-art tools. I will assume that you have some background
in Boolean algebra and logic gates.
There are any number of textbooks that cover introductory logic design
- many of these will be available in the 003 lab for in-lab use and
limited checkout. The best of these are:
We will also be using Verilog to practice hardware design. You do not
need to become a Verilog expert and so the tutorials and reference
guides should provide sufficient background. There are also many
Verilog tutorials and references on the Web.
Comments to: cseP567-webmaster@cs.washington.edu