CSE 588 Project 3
Real World Applications
Due midnight, June 4 1999
For project 3 we are going to build a "real-world" multicast
application. This application is a graphical variant on a
"chat-room". The program allows users to create and manipulate blocks
in a 2D space (i.e. drag them around with the mouse). What makes this
application interesting is that it is multiuser, that is any number of
clients may run the application and they all get to manipulate the
same set of objects, watch what everybody else is doing, and
collectively work toward some goal.
If you are curious about the motivation for this project, take a look
at the Kansas
project at Sun Microsystems
Laboratories. This system, although based on a centralized
server, shows what a full-blown application of this flavor might
Largely as a consequence of implementing a real application with a
user interface, and also to give you a flavor of development on a real
network, much of the simulator for the previous projects has been
eliminated. We will retain a simulated topology controlled by a
config file, but the simulated timer will be replaced with real time
and the simulated links with actual network traffic using UDP. The
links from the clients into the network will be direct UDP links
(allowing each client to actually use a separate computer) and the
internals of the network will be simulated by bouncing packets off
remote hosts in the internet. This will permit us to get real
internet-like behavior while keeping all the processing physically
located at the UW.
The application
The application as it exists is an AWT (the Java graphical interface)
application. If you run it you get a window with a little control bar
at the bottom that lets you enter a color (as RGB values) and a width
and height, and then create a new object (the objects are placed
randomly). Once you have some objects you can click and drag them
Objects are represented by a set of attribute values:
Object <id>
X <x>
Y <y>
Z <z>
Color <rgb>
Width <w>
Height <h>
The object ids are assigned by each client based on a count and the
client's id (to make them globally unique). Whenever any of these
attributes change the application bundles up a message containing the
object id and the changed attributes, and sends that to the other
clinets. When messages are received the information is rolled into
the local state and the display is updated.
This program is a perfect application for multicast. If there are
more than two participants then updates generated at each client need
to be broadcast to all other clients. Mulitcast will allow us to
implement this efficiently.
The network will be set up as a bunch of your project 2 routers
connected by the "real" links. You will need to implement multicast
between your routers.
Multicast issues
There are several multicast issues that will have to be dealt with,
either in the routers or the application, in order to make this
project work:
- Pruning:
At any given time there are likely to be nodes in the network topology
for which there are no active clients connected. You should implement
some scheme to prune off transmission to those parts of the network.
In particular it is important not to transmit packets across an
expensive link if nobody on the other side is listening.
- Reliability:
What happens if a packet is dropped. Most of the time this
application is robust to drops, because it is likely that the dropped
packet was a position update that will be overwritten by the next
packet anyhow. Some packets however, namely the initial packets sent
when objects are created, are more important. How will you discover
that you have missed an important packet? What should you do about
On a related note, this problem is similar to the problem of starting
up a new client when several others have already been working for a
while. How can you bring the new client up to date with the state of
the world?
- Congestion control:
In order to avoid flooding the network and causing congestion
collapse, it will be necessary to implement some form of congestion
control to restrict the rate at which each client sends updates.
Based on the topology, it is likely that some hosts will be closer to
senders than others. In order to maintain acceptable performance it
will be necessary to allow near and far receivers to get different
data streams, so that nearby receivers can get more updates than
distant receivers.
The application has a mechanism to handle this. Observe that the only
time the application tends to generate massive data streams is when
objects are being moved, so that the data stream consists of a series
of updates to a few attributes of a few objects. Such streams can be
condensed by rolling several updates on a single object into one
message containing only the last values for each of the changed
attributes. A data stream reduced in this way will result in jerky
motion, while the nearby clients can receive the full data and display
smoother motion. You can consider either generating several output
streams at the sending application (as is typical today) or
specializing your routers to understand the application and reduce on
demand (less realistic for the real internet, but probably a better
quality solution for us).
Real time/real network issues
The use of real time measurement and network transmission in place of
simulated time and links has several implications:
- The Timer class is replaced with a greatly simplified
implementation. You can still use the timer for synchronization, as
project 2 did, and you can set timeouts. You should not expect timing
behavior to be anywhere near as precise. Also, the timer no longer
supports the WaitFor and WaitUntil methods. You can
use Thread.sleep, but be careful to avoid deadlock if you do.
- The real network links require that packets be converted to byte
arrays for transmission. This means that all the data fields in
NetworkPacket will need routines to convert them to and from
byte arrays. I will supply a ConvertToByteArray function and
a constructor which will handle the supplied fields, but you will need
to extend these routines to support any other fields that you have
Project 3 code
To run the project, do the following:
- Change into the proj3 directory
- Run jview application.project3 config=application/simple.cfg to start the main network
- Run jview application.Nebraska host1 4087 <hostname>
(where hostname is the name of the machine from step 1) to start the
first client.
- Run jview application.Nebraska host2 4088 <hostname>
(where hostname is the name of the machine from step 1) to start the
second client.
Online turnin will be used as in projects 1 and 2.
Make a file readme.txt in your project directory that contains the
- Your names and e-mail addresses.
- For each of pruning, congestion control and
reliability, a detailed description of your design and implementation;
also weather it works or not.
- Grab the file turnin.class.
- In your project directory, run the command (from the command line)
java turnin
(or jview turnin for Visual J++ systems). You will need to
be on a machine which is connected to the internet. Be patient. The
server is slow and single threaded.
If the online turnin doesn't work, and the deadline is near, please
send a zipfile with directory hierarchy and the readme.txt
file as described above, to nspring@cs.washington.edu.
If you have any problems with turnin, be sure to mail Neil (nspring@cs.washington.edu),
and/or post to the email list.