CSE 588 Problem Set #3
Due Date: Tuesday, June 1

1. Implement a program that, when executed, takes no inputs but outputs its source code.This is a fundamental building block for computer viruses.The program can be written in any language you'd like.

2. Outline three ways that a malicious hacker or terrorist could cause denial of service on the Internet - that is, other people on the Internet would be prevented from getting work done.Propose a solution for each problem.

3. Recall that in source routing, the sending host lists each hop of the path explicitly in the packet header.Suppose we want to extend unicast source routing to multicast.Sketch a design of a scheme for doing so.How could you efficiently encode the route of a multicast packet in the packet's header?Sketch the format of the packet header that you would define to implement your scheme.Do you think it would be easy to engineer and deploy such an approach in a real network?

4. One difficulty in the deployment of the Mbone has been incompatibilities between variants of multicast routing protocols.Suppose we want to bridge together two multicast networks, N1 running protocol P1 and N2 running protocol P2.Assume there is a sender S in N1 and a receiver R in N2 and that the two networks are interconnected via two gateways G1 and G2.In other words, there are two possible paths between N1 and N2.Suppose that P2 computes a reverse-path route from R to S via G1 but P1 computes the distribution tree from S to R via G2.As a result, packets will not be correctly routed from S to R.Explain how this happens.What might you do to avoid this problem?

5. End-to-end Argument. Almost all network protocols are designed to be robust to failures.For each of the following, explain (i) what would happen if the information was lost, and (ii) how the system would recover, if at all.For example, if one side loses TCP connection state (for example, because it crashes), the TCP connection would be terminated, but the hosts could reestablish communication by making a new connection.

(a) A TCP acknowledgment

(b) A fragment of an IP packet
(c) A distance vector routing table update
(d) A packet carrying link state routing information
(e) An ATM virtual circuit entry
(f) A DNS resource record for an mit.edu host cached on a Washington name server
(g) A DNS resource record for an mit.edu host maintained on its home server at MIT.(Hint: all DNS servers are replicated.)
(h) A name/address entry in a host's ARP cache
(i) Prune-state in a multicast routing trees

6. Recall that DNS server replicas are updated asynchronously, so that at any point in time, some replicas may have seen an update while others have not.Eventually, each update arrives at each replica.

(a) Explain how a node can modify a DNS record, then try to read back the modified record, and still find the old information.This can occur even if no other node has ever modified the record.Why?

(b) Sketch a solution that enforces "processor order" -- a node always sees its changes to the database in the order that the node made them (e.g., it never sees changes disappear).

(c) Sketch a solution that enforces a "total order" -- every node sees changes to the database in the same order (e.g., if host A modifies record P then modifies Q, if host B reads Q and gets the new value, if it later reads P, it is guaranteed to get P's new value).

7. Routing.In this problem, we consider how distance vector update messages interact with multicast.Consider the following topology:

(word graph... sigh. -ns)

(a) Assuming that each node initially starts with itself in its routing table (with hop count 0), and at each step a single message is sent, what is the state of the routing tables at each node after the following sequence of seven updates is completed: E->D, D->C, C->B, B->A, A->B, B->D, D->E.

(b) Show the sequence of packets that that will be sent for a multicast packet originating at node C, using reverse path flooding for the network and routing tables from (a).What happens if shortly after C sends out a multicast packet (but before the multicast has reached all nodes), C sends a routing table update to E?

(c) Suppose we send a few more distance vector messages, after the C->E message in part (b): D->B, C->D, B->C, E->C.Show the reverse path broadcast tree for multicasts originating at node B.

8. One problem with drop-tail routers is their susceptibility to synchronization - where a source can be starved because it always sends when the router queue is full, while another source always finds empty buffers at the router.One argument made for RED congestion gateways is that they avoid these synchronization effects.Is this always true?If so, why?If not, construct a scenario where this might happen.(Hint: when will a RED gateway drop every arriving packet?Is it possible to fill all the buffers at a RED gateway?)

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