""" Author Haichen Shen Module to perform round-robin load balancing. """ from pox.core import core import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of from pox.lib.revent import * from pox.lib.util import dpidToStr from pox.lib.packet.ethernet import ethernet from pox.lib.packet.arp import arp from pox.lib.addresses import IPAddr, EthAddr import time log = core.getLogger() IDLE_TIMEOUT = 60 # in seconds HARD_TIMEOUT = 0 # infinity LOAD_BALANCER_IP = IPAddr('') LOAD_BALANCER_MAC = EthAddr('00:00:00:00:00:FE') class LoadBalancer (EventMixin): class Server: def __init__ (self, ip, mac, port): self.ip = IPAddr(ip) self.mac = EthAddr(mac) self.port = port def __str__(self): return','.join([str(self.ip), str(self.mac), str(self.port)]) def __init__ (self, connection): self.connection = connection self.listenTo(connection) # Initialize the server list self.servers = [ self.Server('', '00:00:00:00:00:01', 1), self.Server('', '00:00:00:00:00:02', 2)] self.last_server = 0 def get_next_server (self): # Round-robin load the servers self.last_server = (self.last_server + 1) % len(self.servers) return self.servers[self.last_server] def handle_arp (self, packet, in_port): # Get the ARP request from packet arp_req = packet.next # Create ARP reply arp_rep = arp() arp_rep.opcode = arp.REPLY arp_rep.hwsrc = LOAD_BALANCER_MAC arp_rep.hwdst = arp_req.hwsrc arp_rep.protosrc = LOAD_BALANCER_IP arp_rep.protodst = arp_req.protosrc # Create the Ethernet packet eth = ethernet() eth.type = ethernet.ARP_TYPE eth.dst = packet.src eth.src = LOAD_BALANCER_MAC eth.set_payload(arp_rep) # Send the ARP reply to client msg = of.ofp_packet_out() msg.data = eth.pack() msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = of.OFPP_IN_PORT)) msg.in_port = in_port self.connection.send(msg) def handle_request (self, packet, event): # Get the next server to handle the request server = self.get_next_server() "First install the reverse rule from server to client" msg = of.ofp_flow_mod() msg.idle_timeout = IDLE_TIMEOUT msg.hard_timeout = HARD_TIMEOUT msg.buffer_id = None # Set packet matching # Match (in_port, src MAC, dst MAC, src IP, dst IP) msg.match.in_port = server.port msg.match.dl_src = server.mac msg.match.dl_dst = packet.src msg.match.dl_type = ethernet.IP_TYPE msg.match.nw_src = server.ip msg.match.nw_dst = packet.next.srcip # Append actions # Set the src IP and MAC to load balancer's # Forward the packet to client's port msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_addr.set_src(LOAD_BALANCER_IP)) msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_dl_addr.set_src(LOAD_BALANCER_MAC)) msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = event.port)) self.connection.send(msg) "Second install the forward rule from client to server" msg = of.ofp_flow_mod() msg.idle_timeout = IDLE_TIMEOUT msg.hard_timeout = HARD_TIMEOUT msg.buffer_id = None msg.data = event.ofp # Forward the incoming packet # Set packet matching # Match (in_port, MAC src, MAC dst, IP src, IP dst) msg.match.in_port = event.port msg.match.dl_src = packet.src msg.match.dl_dst = LOAD_BALANCER_MAC msg.match.dl_type = ethernet.IP_TYPE msg.match.nw_src = packet.next.srcip msg.match.nw_dst = LOAD_BALANCER_IP # Append actions # Set the dst IP and MAC to load balancer's # Forward the packet to server's port msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_nw_addr.set_dst(server.ip)) msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_dl_addr.set_dst(server.mac)) msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = server.port)) self.connection.send(msg) log.info("Installing %s <-> %s" % (packet.next.srcip, server.ip)) def _handle_PacketIn (self, event): packet = event.parse() if packet.type == packet.LLDP_TYPE or packet.type == packet.IPV6_TYPE: # Drop LLDP packets # Drop IPv6 packets # send of command without actions msg = of.ofp_packet_out() msg.buffer_id = event.ofp.buffer_id msg.in_port = event.port self.connection.send(msg) elif packet.type == packet.ARP_TYPE: # Handle ARP request for load balancer # Only accept ARP request for load balancer if packet.next.protodst != LOAD_BALANCER_IP: return log.debug("Receive an ARP request") self.handle_arp(packet, event.port) elif packet.type == packet.IP_TYPE: # Handle client's request # Only accept ARP request for load balancer if packet.next.dstip != LOAD_BALANCER_IP: return log.debug("Receive an IPv4 packet from %s" % packet.next.srcip) self.handle_request(packet, event) class load_balancer (EventMixin): def __init__ (self): self.listenTo(core.openflow) def _handle_ConnectionUp (self, event): log.debug("Connection %s" % event.connection) LoadBalancer(event.connection) def launch (): # Start load balancer core.registerNew(load_balancer)