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 CSE 588 - Spring 2002 - Transcription
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Class Notes: Week 4 (April 23) 2nd Half

Akamai Network - Caching techniques

Discussion on Internet indirection

	Is Indirection good for mobility?
	It gives a simple scheme to achieve mobility.
	Problem with the approach is that it requires an entirely new namespace and 
therefore changing the existing system will be very difficult

How the TCP Works

	Basic TCP implementation scheme
	Given a system that knows how to route, how do we build a system that 
reliably transmits and receives packets. Uses sockets to set up two way byte 

HTTP Connection discussion in detail

	IP Header on tp of TCP Header
	What is the use of ACK in connection setup
		- Used to indicate the the next byte to be sent or also to indicate if the 
receive buffer is full

Sliding Window Protocol for flow control

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