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 CSE 588 - Spring 2002 - Transcription
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4/9 Network class note (second half)
1. Talked about class projects.
2. Talked about Packet Switch vs Circuit Switching.

Packet Switching major draw back:
Hard to support realtime (possibly different routing each packet thus packet 
traveling time is unpredictable; not sequence guaranteed; packets can lost)

Circuit Switching:
Used in telephone company. Fixed rounting for a pair of source to 
destination upon connetion.

Packet Switching using virtual circuit:
Set up a fixed path routing from source to destination; Save time spent on 
figuring out the routing path. Using technique of circuit identifier.
Examples: ATM, MPLS

3. Packet switching: do we really need to support fragmentation?
=> sorry, I am not sure our conclusion on this.

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