Course Calendar

Here is a rough estimate of how the class will proceed. The quiz dates and assignment deadlines are firm, but the lecture dates may move around a bit:

Week Date Lecture Topic Milestone
1 31 March Graphics hardware and graphics programming Project #1 (Impressionist) assigned.
2 7 April Image processing and image compositing. Home page due!
3 14 April Geometric transformations; hierarchical modeling and animation. Project #1 due!
Project #2 (Articulate) assigned.
4 21 April Hidden surface algorithms and ray tracing. Quiz!
5 28 April Shading. Project #2 due!
Project #3 (Trace) assigned.
6 5 May Curves. Quiz!
7 12 May Surfaces. Project #3 due!
Project #4 (Animate) assigned.
8 19 May Visual perception and color. Quiz!
9 26 May Special topics. Project #4 due!
10 2 June Special topics. Quiz!
Final animations due!