
The attached Modeler project has the following bells and whistles: * A shader which allows use of a spotlight. To demonstrate this, select either the Spotlight shader or the Spotlight + Texture shader from the Shaders choice on the main page. Paramters of the spot light are modified through the Spot Light light in the scene tree. (sources in shaders\spotlight.*) * A shader which reads texture data, and applies Blinn-Phong lighting for the two default light sources in addition to the light source. (Note, this shader requires that a texture is loaded for the model). To use this shader, select the Spotlight + Texture shader from the Shaders choice on the main page. (sources in shaders\texture.*) * A shader which limits the number of colors that are drawn with to produce a cartoon-like effect. This is quite pronounced on the Taurus model. To use this shader, select Cartoon from the Shaders choice. This shader works by limiting each color channel to being either 0, 0.5, or 1 after standard shading. The result is that only 3 * 3 * 3 = 27 colors will be used in the image. * The Stay Puft model is built entirely out of curves of revolution. There are 4 primary curves of revolution used – a standard marshmallow, a puffy marshmallow, the body curve, and the hat curve. * The Stay Puft model is textured, as is the city scene that he is posed in. * The Stay Puft model will animate his head, arms, and walk if the Animate menu option is selected. * All parameters for the buildings in the city are loaded dynamically at runtime from the street\buildings.txt file, allowing customization of the city without rebuilding the program. * All parameters for the Stay Puft model are loaded dynamically from the staypuft\partmap.txt file, allowing customization of the model without rebuilding the program. The textures for Stay Puft were crafted by hand, however many of the city textures were originally sourced from Those textures were then modified in Photoshop to meet the needs of the scene they were being placed in.

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