Bender is a robot of the future, who has been designed and will be built to…., well…., bend. Bender is from the year 2999 and is a Unit 22 Bending Unit who is his mother’s 1729th son and whose father was killed by a can opener. Bender is a slacker, and he’d rather spend his time finding ways to get out of work so he can kick back. If you actually challenge him on this, you are the recipient of his anger management problem. Typical of someone who is quick to anger, he’s also basically a fearful coward who readily assumes the fetal position. If you’ve sufficiently frightened him he’ll go into hibernate mode (mood?), in which case he looks like your basic trashcan. Check out Bender’s moods with the “mood” slider. Better do this first, or you may get really strange looking poses. Try out the spinning hands by “enabling” animation, and choosing “1” on the animation slider. And of course almost all of his parts move in one way or another.